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  • LYRICS ALLEY. by Aboulela, Leila.
    Aboulela, Leila.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Grove Press, (2010). First edition - Novel set in 1950s Sudan, as British rule is coming to an end, by this award winning author, the story of a powerful dynasty trying to reconcile the pull of tradition and the need to move forward in a rapidly changing country. 308 pp plus author's note.

    Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 64304
    View cart More details Price: $18.50
  • ESCAPE FROM SLAVERY: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity--and My Journey to Freedom in America. by Bok, Francis with Edward Tivnan.
    Bok, Francis with Edward Tivnan.
    ESCAPE FROM SLAVERY: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity--and My Journey to Freedom in America.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: St Martin's, (2003.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the dust jacket: "May 1986: Seven-year-old Francis Bok was selling his mother's eggs and peanuts near his village in southern Sudan when Arab raiders on horseback burst into the quiet marketplace, murdering men and gathering the women and young children into a group. ... Francis and others were taken north into lives of slavery under wealthy Muslim farmers. ... After two failed attempts to flee--each bringing severe beatings and death threats--Francis finally escaped at age seventeen....[He] persevered through prison and refugee camps for three more years, winning the attention of United Nations officials who granted passage to America. Now a student and an antislavery activist, Francis Bok has…


    New York: St Martin's, (2003.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the dust jacket: "May 1986: Seven-year-old Francis Bok was selling his mother's eggs and peanuts near his village in southern Sudan when Arab raiders on horseback burst into the quiet marketplace, murdering men and gathering the women and young children into a group. ... Francis and others were taken north into lives of slavery under wealthy Muslim farmers. ... After two failed attempts to flee--each bringing severe beatings and death threats--Francis finally escaped at age seventeen....[He] persevered through prison and refugee camps for three more years, winning the attention of United Nations officials who granted passage to America. Now a student and an antislavery activist, Francis Bok has made it his life mission to combat world slavery." Map. 284 pp. ISBN: 0-312306237.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 42607
    View cart More details Price: $16.00
  • Brodrick, Alan Houghton.

    Edition: Reprint. (First US printing.)

    Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, (1979.) dj. Hardcover - Originally published in 1953 in the UK. In this book, the author travelled 'southwards from the Mediterranean coast to the sands, the heart of the Sahara, and beyond to the savannas of the Sudan and the fringes of the great forests' - to Niger, Libya and French Equatorial Africa. Illustrated with 33 photographs, mostly of art and architectural ruins. Index. 212 pp. Map endpapers. ISBN: 0-837151864.

    Condition: Fine in dark red cloth, no dustjacket as issued.

    Book ID: 38397
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • THE WORLD AND AFRICA: An Inquiry into the Part which Africa Has Played in World History. by Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt.
    Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt.
    THE WORLD AND AFRICA: An Inquiry into the Part which Africa Has Played in World History.

    Edition: Hardcover.

    New York: Viking, (ca 1950, c. 1947). dj. Hardcover - A well-documented plea, backed by many little known facts, for a recognition of the important part played in history by Africa and for its dignity in a future world order. Map, index. xii, 276 pp.

    Condition: Just about fine in a very good dust jacket (two closed tears to the front cover of the dj - the dust jacket has original price of $3.00, but reference to Du Bois in 1950 and a Liberty Book Club coupon on rear flap.) A very attractive copy of an important work by one of most important African American writers and activists of the early 20th century.

    Book ID: 39238
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • VALLEY OF BONES. by Gruber, Michael.
    Gruber, Michael.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Morrow (imprint of Harper Collins), (2005) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The author's second novel, featuring Afro-Cuban Miami homicide detective Jimmy Paz, an international thriller, and an exploration of faith, with settings ranging from Florida to the Blue Ridge Mountains to Sudan. SIGNED on the title page and dated 25 Jan 05, in the year of publication. 436 pp. ISBN: 0-060577665.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 66444
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • THE TRANSLATOR: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur. by Hari, Daoud (as told to Dennis Michael Burke and Megan M. McKenna.)
    Hari, Daoud (as told to Dennis Michael Burke and Megan M. McKenna.)
    THE TRANSLATOR: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Random House, (2008.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Hari, a Zagewa tribesman, grew up in the Darfur region of Sudan. After fleeing from his home, his family decimated and dispersed, among thousands of others villagers attacked by Sudanese-government backed militia groups, he used his high school English to eventually become the translator and guide in Darfur for journalists for The New York Times, NBC, and the BBC. He risked his life over and over again to ensure that the story of his people was told. Appendix. xii, 204 pp. ISBN: 9781400067442.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 45189
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • SENEGAL TAXI. by Herrera, Juan Felipe.
    Herrera, Juan Felipe.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback.

    Tucson: University of Arizona Press, (2013.). SIGNED first edition - "Known for his activism and writings that bring attention to oppression and injustice, Herrera turns to stories of genocide and hope in Sudan. 'Senegal Taxi' offers the voices of three children escaping the horrors of war in Africa. Unflinching in its honesty, brutality, and beauty, the collection fiercely addresses conflict and childhood." SIGNED and dated on the half title page by this US Poet Laureate, who in 2024 also received the MacArthur "genius award." Illustrated by Herrera. 95 pp. ISBN: 978-0816530151.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 69459
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • GRANTA 60, Winter 1997: UNBELIEVABLE. by Jack, Ian, editor. Aimee Bender, signed. .
    Jack, Ian, editor. Aimee Bender, signed. .
    GRANTA 60, Winter 1997: UNBELIEVABLE.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Granta USA, 1997. SIGNED first edition - A paperback magazine of new writing. SIGNED by Aimee Bender at her story 'Loser." Also includes contributions from Ariel Dorfman, Clive Sinclair, a photographic essay on the Nuba people of Sudan and more. Illustrated with photographs and maps. Notes on contributors. 256 pp.

    Condition: Fair condition only (some wear to the covers, creasing to first page)

    Book ID: 60361
    View cart More details Price: $16.00
  • TO ASMARA. by Keneally, Thomas.
    Keneally, Thomas.

    Edition: First US printing.

    New York: Warner, (1989.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Novel set in the war torn horn of Africa by this Australian writer. A Western journalist, along with several others, makes a trip into the mountains of Eritrea to the rebel base there SIGNED on the title page and dated in 1995. Map., 290 pp. ISBN: 0-88619-2382.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 58804
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • TO ASMARA. by Keneally, Thomas.
    Keneally, Thomas.

    Edition: First Canadian edition.

    Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, (1989.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Novel set in the war torn horn of Africa by this Australian writer. A Western journalist, along with several others, makes a trip into the mountains of Eritrea to the rebel base there 290 pp. ISBN: 0-88619-2382.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 57616
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • AFRICA BEFORE THE WHITE MAN. by Labouret, Henry.
    Labouret, Henry.

    Edition: Trade paperback.

    New York: Walker, (1962). Includes chapters on African prehistory, the formation of societies and their way of life, the empires of the western Sudan, the hegemonies of the central Sudan, the Sudanese States of the Peuls or Fulbe, the states and principalities of the coast and Ethiopia. Translated from the French by Francis Huxley. Includes maps, bibliography, index. 138 pp.

    Condition: Near fine in illustrated wrappers (usual toning to pages).

    Book ID: 89251
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • AN EXPENSIVE EDUCATION. by McDonell, Nick.
    McDonell, Nick.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, (2009.) dj. Hardcover first edition - A 25 year old Harvard graduate, a scholar-athlete from an upperclass family who is recruited by his godfather to work for a US intelligence agency. On an undercover mission to the Sudan, he is in a village as it is decimated by a missile attack. ISBN: 9780802118936.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 55667
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • MY ISL@M: How Fundamentalism Stole My Mind - and Doubt Freed My Soul. by Nasr, Amir Ahmad.
    Nasr, Amir Ahmad.
    MY ISL@M: How Fundamentalism Stole My Mind - and Doubt Freed My Soul.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: St Martin's, (2013) dj. Hardcover first edition - The first book by this Afro-Arab Sudanese blogger - in it he "steps out from behind the curtain of anonymity and emerges as a voice of a new generation of tech-savvy liberal Muslims." A book described as "Part memoir, part passionate call for liberty, reason and doing work that matters" written in a conversational and accessible tone. 319 pp. ISBN: 978-1250016799.

    Condition: Very good in a near fine dust jacket (toning to edges of textblock, date on front endpaper).

    Book ID: 90250
    View cart More details Price: $17.50
    Soyinka, Wole

    Edition: First printing.

    New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A powerful collection of essays by this Nobel Laureate writer, originally delivered at Harvard University in 1997 as the inaugural lectures at the W. E. B. DuBois Institute Macmillan series. " In the face of centuries-long devastation wrought on the African continent and her diaspora by slavery, colonialism, apartheid and racism, what form of recompense could possibly be adequate? .... Soyinka examines the question, illuminating the principle duty and 'near intolerable burden' of memory to bear the record of injustice." Leopold Senghor, Martin Luther King, the genocide in Sudan, the atrocities in Nigeria are just a few of the topics Soyinka touches on. SIGNED on the title page. Index. 208 pp. ISBN: 0-19-5122054.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 73793
    View cart More details Price: $85.00
    Soyinka, Wole

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. First edition - A powerful collection of essays by this Nobel Laureate writer, originally delivered at Harvard University in 1997 as the inaugural lectures at the W. E. B. DuBois Institute Macmillan series. " In the face of centuries-long devastation wrought on the African continent and her diaspora by slavery, colonialism, apartheid and racism, what form of recompense could possibly be adequate? .... Soyinka examines the question, illuminating the principle duty and 'near intolerable burden' of memory to bear the record of injustice." Leopold Senghor, Martin Luther King, the genocide in Sudan, the atrocities in Nigeria are just a few of the topics Soyinka touches on. Publisher's material laid in. 192 pp

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. An uncommon advance issue.

    Book ID: 80791
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • Warburg, Gabriel R.

    Edition: First US printing.

    Evanston: Northwestern University Press, (1992.) dj. Hardcover first edition - 'Focuses on the conflicting interpretations by Egyptian, Sudanese, and European writers of the history of the Nile Valley during four periods: Egypt's rule in the Sudan 1821-85, the Mahdist state 1885-98, the struggle for independence 1952-55, and finally the Sudan's civil war between the dominant Muslin North and the non-Muslin South since 1955. The sources are primarily Egyptian and Sudanese.' A title in the 'Series in Islam and Society in Africa'; photographs, maps, bibliography, index. 210 pp. ISBN: 0-810110571.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 28357
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • DERVISH: The Rise and Fall of an African Empire. by Warner, Philip.
    Warner, Philip.
    DERVISH: The Rise and Fall of an African Empire.

    Edition: First US printing.

    New York: Tapplinger Publishing Co., (1975) dj. Hardcover first edition - Using first-hand diaries and reports, including those of Rider Haggard's brother Andrew and of Father Ohrwalder (the Austrian missionary who spent ten years of captivity in the Mahdi's camp), this is an account of a remarkable episode in the 'high Empire' period of British history. "The Mahdi's rising in the Sudan in the 1880s starting as a localized Holy War against the 'decadent' Turkish/Egyptian overlords, engulfed a million square miles of arid territory and forced the British Liberal Government to get involved after the early disasters of the Hicks expedition and Gordon's death at Khartoum. It describes the growth and strength of the Mahdist movement and the extraordinary…


    New York: Tapplinger Publishing Co., (1975) dj. Hardcover first edition - Using first-hand diaries and reports, including those of Rider Haggard's brother Andrew and of Father Ohrwalder (the Austrian missionary who spent ten years of captivity in the Mahdi's camp), this is an account of a remarkable episode in the 'high Empire' period of British history. "The Mahdi's rising in the Sudan in the 1880s starting as a localized Holy War against the 'decadent' Turkish/Egyptian overlords, engulfed a million square miles of arid territory and forced the British Liberal Government to get involved after the early disasters of the Hicks expedition and Gordon's death at Khartoum. It describes the growth and strength of the Mahdist movement and the extraordinary devotion and discipline of the Dervish troops. Facing such opponents with stoic endurance were the British, Egyptian and Sudanese Negro soldiers, and the resulting military engagements evoked amazing feats of courage and derring-do on both sides. The Dervish Empire outlasted the Mahdi by thirteen years." Illustrated with photographs. Index. 235 pp. ISBN: 0-800821688.


    Condition: Fine in very good dust jacket (some short tears to the dj)

    Book ID: 87664
    View cart More details Price: $24.50