- Keyword = diaries
WE WERE 49ers!
Edition: First edition.
Pasadena, CA: Ward Ritchie Press, 1976. Hardcover first edition - Chilean accounts of the California Gold Rush - taken from diaries and personal accounts. It is estimated that the Chilean population in California during the gold rush reached 7,000 - in the early years, they represented the 2nd largest foreign contingent. Many of these Chileans were highly educated, including some of the most famous writers of their country - so their writings are sophisticated, perceptive and often laced with a wry humor. Photographs, bibliography and biographical information about the writers.
Condition: Very near fine in black cloth, lacking the dust jacket.
Book ID: 55497More details Price: $18.00 -
THREE JOURNEYS with three forewords by Viscount Cave and appreciations of Sir Lloyd Mathews by H.H. Sultan Mohamed Aga Khan and Sir Rennell Rodd.
Edition: First printing.
London: Thornton Butterworth, Limited, (1928). Hardcover first edition - Accounts based on the diaries she kept (to win a bit with her sister) on three journeys to East Africa, including Zanzibar and Uganda in 1901, to South Africa in 1919 and to Canada and America in 1920. Illustrated with a frontispiece and 17 internal plates. Index. xv, 286 pp.
Condition: Very good in dark blue cloth with gilt lettering on the spine, some foxing to edges of textblock, previous owner's name dated 1932.
Book ID: 81284More details Price: $75.00 -
HEN FRIGATES: Wives of Merchant Captains under Sail.
Edition: First printing.
New York: Simon & Schuster, (1998.) dj. Hardcover first edition - The story of the enterprising women who sailed on oceangoing merchant ships throughout the nineteenth century - an interweaving of first person accounts from letters and journals with Druett's narrative of sea journeys. Illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Includes an appendix listing the names of all such women who kept journals. Index. 274 pp. ISBN: 0-684-839687.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)
Book ID: 51798More details Price: $18.00 -
THE BOOK OF MARTYRDOM AND ARTIFICE: First Journals and Poems, 1937-1952
Edition: First printing.
New York: Da Capo Press / Perseus Books Group, (2006.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Edited by Juanita Liebermann-Plimpton and Bill Morgan, these journals "cover the most important and formative years of [his] life. During this time. . . he met Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs, both of whom would become lifelong friends and significant literary figures in their own right. Ginsberg's journals--so candid he insisted they be published only after his death--also document his complex relationships with other figures of Beat lore as Carl Solomon, Lucien Carr, and Herbert Huncke... He reveals a growing self-awareness about himself, his sexuality and his identity as a poet." Illustrated with black and whte photographs from Ginsberg's private archive. An appendix of over 100 of Ginsberg's earliest poems, includes over 50 previously unpublished. Index. xviii, 523 pp. ISBN: 0-306-814625.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)
Book ID: 55343More details Price: $30.00 -
THE VOYAGE OF THE DAYSPRING: Being the Journal of the late Sir John Hawley Glover, R.N., G.C.M.G., together with some account of the Expedition up the Niger River in 1857.
Edition: First printing.
London: John Lane The Bodley Head, Ltd, (1926.). Hardcover first edition - Journal kept by Glover, the future Governor of Lagos (Nigeria,) when he was a young Lieutenant with the Baikie Expedition in 1857, interspersed with commentary by Hastings. In her introduction, his wife, Lady Glover, emphasizes the love that her husband had for Africa and Nigeria, which continued long after his 14 years of service there, mostly as governor. Illustrated with a frontispiece and 21 photographs on glossy inserted plates. Index. xii, 230 pp plus two pages of publisher's advertisements.
Condition: Very good in original blue-green cloth with gilt lettering on spine. (some foxing to outer edges of textblock, minor wear to ends of spine).
Book ID: 38336More details Price: $50.00 -
Edition: First printing.
New York: Scholastic, (2003). Hardcover first edition - "Max's logbook of observations, drawings, experiments, and inventions reveals the rich world of his imagination and his feelings about his parents' divorce." SIGNED by the author opposite the title page. Unpaginated. ISBN: 0-439466601.
Condition: Fine in illustrated boards (as new.)
Book ID: 82940More details Price: $20.00 -
ANAIS NIN: A Biography.
Edition: First printing.
New York: Putnam, (1995) dj. Hardcover first edition - The most comprehensive biography to date of this very complicated woman. Bair is the first scholar to be granted access to Nin's original diaries - all 250,000 pages of them - and to have the full cooperation of Rupert Pole, her surviving husband and of Nin's family and friends. She takes pains to treat Nin with the objectivity and critical analysis a write deserves. Illustrated with photographs. Extensive notes, index. A massive book at 656 pages. ISBN: 0-399139885.
Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket (appears unread)
Book ID: 77563More details Price: $25.00 -
Edition: First edition.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)
Book ID: 88320More details Price: $30.00