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    Abbott, Carlisle S.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: Neale Publishing 1917. Hardcover first edition - The autobiography of a pioneer who traveled to California at the start of the Gold Rush, written at age 88 during his retirement. Along with his brother, he left Beloit, Wisconsin, on March 3, 1850 and traveled along the Platte River through South Pass to Salt Lake City, where the company disbanded, although he continued across the desert to the Carson River and Mormon Station. He spent several months of mining at Volcano above Yankee Slide on the American River. After returning to Wisconsin, and back again to California, he leased a ranch at Point Reyes, and eventually wound up in Tombstone Arizona in an "attempt to recoup his fortunes."…


    New York: Neale Publishing 1917. Hardcover first edition - The autobiography of a pioneer who traveled to California at the start of the Gold Rush, written at age 88 during his retirement. Along with his brother, he left Beloit, Wisconsin, on March 3, 1850 and traveled along the Platte River through South Pass to Salt Lake City, where the company disbanded, although he continued across the desert to the Carson River and Mormon Station. He spent several months of mining at Volcano above Yankee Slide on the American River. After returning to Wisconsin, and back again to California, he leased a ranch at Point Reyes, and eventually wound up in Tombstone Arizona in an "attempt to recoup his fortunes." He failed at mining, gave up on ranching, and was impoverished by a risky railroad venture, but he wrote an valuable and entertaining account of the overland journey and of life in Gold Rush California and afterwards. Frontispiece portrait. 235 pp.


    Condition: Ex-library, in sturdy dark green library binding, with the usual markings, but overall good condition. Uncommon in the first edition.

    Book ID: 56955
    View cart More details Price: $300.00
  • OCCUPIED AMERICA: The Chicano's Struggle Toward Liberation. by Acuna, Rodolfo.
    Acuna, Rodolfo.
    OCCUPIED AMERICA: The Chicano's Struggle Toward Liberation.

    Edition: Trade paperback.

    New York: Harper Collins, (1980, c 1972). A relatively early printing of this classic history which both shows (and attempts to explain) how Chicanos - Americans of Mexican descent - came to be treated as second class citizens and their struggle for their rights. Covers from the conquest of the Southwest to remember the Alamo in Texas, to California and the Delano strike, the deportations of the 1930s and more. Notes, index. 282 pp. ISBN: 0-06380350X.

    Condition: Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 88552
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • THE MURAL PROJECT: Photography by Ansel Adams. by [Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984] Wright, Peter, and John Armor.
    [Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984] Wright, Peter, and John Armor.
    THE MURAL PROJECT: Photography by Ansel Adams.

    Edition: First printing.

    Santa Barbara: Reverie Press, 1989. dj. Hardcover first edition - The first publication of these striking photographs by Adams - originally commissioned by Harold Ickes for a decorative mural of the Western National Parks, for the Department of the Interior's museum in Washington, DC. Adams made the photographs in 1941-1942, completing a series of 225 signed exhibition prints, but the project was put away during WWII, and never completed. This book includes 85 photographs selected by Wright and Armor - including sections on the Grand Canyon, Indians of the Southwest, Yellowstone, Carlsbad Caverns and more - and accompanied with quotes from the writings and speeches of Theodore Roosevelt. Preface by William Mott, Jr., a past director of the National…


    Santa Barbara: Reverie Press, 1989. dj. Hardcover first edition - The first publication of these striking photographs by Adams - originally commissioned by Harold Ickes for a decorative mural of the Western National Parks, for the Department of the Interior's museum in Washington, DC. Adams made the photographs in 1941-1942, completing a series of 225 signed exhibition prints, but the project was put away during WWII, and never completed. This book includes 85 photographs selected by Wright and Armor - including sections on the Grand Canyon, Indians of the Southwest, Yellowstone, Carlsbad Caverns and more - and accompanied with quotes from the writings and speeches of Theodore Roosevelt. Preface by William Mott, Jr., a past director of the National Park Service. Introduction by Wright and Armor. Index of the photographs. A beautiful book -large format, printed on heavy glossy stock throughout. 112 pp. ISBN: 1-55824-1620.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 91059
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • Ballantine, Bill.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Rand McNally & Co, (1969.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the front flap: "Ballantine, his wife and three of their teen-aged children traveled throughout eight Rocky Mountain states: Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. [This book] is an offbeat and highly personal (and a bit impertinent) look at the vacation places and tourist centers within these states, both well known and obscure, and at Americans at large, both tourist and native." Starting at Frontier Days in Cheyenne to the Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, from mining towns like Cripple Creek and Leadville in Colorado to visiting artist Georgia O'Keefe in New Mexico, this is a combination of interviews, and…


    New York: Rand McNally & Co, (1969.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the front flap: "Ballantine, his wife and three of their teen-aged children traveled throughout eight Rocky Mountain states: Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. [This book] is an offbeat and highly personal (and a bit impertinent) look at the vacation places and tourist centers within these states, both well known and obscure, and at Americans at large, both tourist and native." Starting at Frontier Days in Cheyenne to the Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, from mining towns like Cripple Creek and Leadville in Colorado to visiting artist Georgia O'Keefe in New Mexico, this is a combination of interviews, and reporting on the West, illustrated with photographs (including one of O'Keefe) by the author. Note at the beginning of the book states that the trip was made in a 'Goldline pickup camper, Model 220, manufactured by Travel Industries, Inc, Oswego, Kansas and mounted on a Ford Motor Co. camper special.' 303 pp.


    Condition: Fine in near fine dust jacket (chipping to upper edge of dj spine, slight sunning to spine.)

    Book ID: 38961
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • Begay, Shonto.
    NAVAJO: Visions and Voices Across the Mesa.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Scholastic, (1995) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A beautiful book which combines twenty of Begay's paintings with his poetry. Includes an introduction by Begay in which he talks about living in two worlds, like many of the Dineh today. Boldly INSCRIBED on the half title page and dated in the year of publication. Index to paintings. Large square format, 48 pp. ISBN: 0-590-461532.

    Condition: Fine in very good dust jacket (minor edgewear to the dj.)

    Book ID: 62431
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • THE TELLING DISTANCE: Conversations with the American Desert. by Berger, Bruce.
    Berger, Bruce.
    THE TELLING DISTANCE: Conversations with the American Desert.

    Edition: 1st trade paperback printing.

    New York: Doubleday, (1991.). Well-written, always entertaining, but sometimes elegiac, essays on the desert in Arizona, mostly - especially as suburbia and ranchettes encroach on the native desert. Among the topics are the growth of Phoenix, the effects of airconditioning, Frank Lloyd Wright, LSD, and much more. Illustrated with drawings by Johnson Charley. 243 pp. ISBN: 0-385-413947.

    Condition: Very good.

    Book ID: 51619
    View cart More details Price: $11.50
  • NINE MONTHS IS A YEAR AT BABOQUIVARI SCHOOL. by Bourne, Eulalia "Sister" (1892-1984)
    Bourne, Eulalia "Sister" (1892-1984)

    Edition: First printing.

    Tucson: University of Arizona Press, (1968). Hardcover first edition - The author's second book, an account of teaching in the 1930s in a one-room school on the Poso Nuevo Ranch, a remote cattle ranch in southern Arizona, 50 miles (a two hour drive) from her own ranch and close to the Mexican border - a school maintained by the county and state to educate the children of vaqueros. Bourne had some radical ideas for the time, including rejecting the idea of only speaking English in the classroom, even though it was the state law then. Among other things, she created 'The Little Cowpuncher', a mimeographed newspaper, written and illustrated by her students (some excerpts are included in this book).…


    Tucson: University of Arizona Press, (1968). Hardcover first edition - The author's second book, an account of teaching in the 1930s in a one-room school on the Poso Nuevo Ranch, a remote cattle ranch in southern Arizona, 50 miles (a two hour drive) from her own ranch and close to the Mexican border - a school maintained by the county and state to educate the children of vaqueros. Bourne had some radical ideas for the time, including rejecting the idea of only speaking English in the classroom, even though it was the state law then. Among other things, she created 'The Little Cowpuncher', a mimeographed newspaper, written and illustrated by her students (some excerpts are included in this book). Illustrated with a map, drawings and photographs. A title in The Southwest Chronicle Series. 270 pp.


    Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket (slight spine slant, previous owner's name in pencil)

    Book ID: 90191
    View cart More details Price: $27.50
  • THE TERRANAUTS. by Boyle, T. Coraghessan.
    Boyle, T. Coraghessan.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Ecco Press (Harper Collins) (2016). First edition - A provocative new novel by this award-winning writer "It is 1994, and in the desert near Tillman, Arizona, forty miles from Tucson, a grand experiment involving the future of humanity is underway. As climate change threatens the earth, eight scientists, four men and four women dubbed the "Terranauts," have been selected to live under glass in E2, a prototype of a possible off-earth colony. " 508 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 69049
    View cart More details Price: $21.50
  • THE TERRANAUTS. by Boyle, T. Coraghessan.
    Boyle, T. Coraghessan.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Ecco Press (Harper Collins) (2016) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A provocative new novel by this award-winning writer "It is 1994, and in the desert near Tillman, Arizona, forty miles from Tucson, a grand experiment involving the future of humanity is underway. As climate change threatens the earth, eight scientists, four men and four women dubbed the "Terranauts," have been selected to live under glass in E2, a prototype of a possible off-earth colony. " SIGNED on the title page. 508 pp. ISBN: 978-0062349408.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 82014
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • TERRITORY. by Bull, Emma.
    Bull, Emma.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: TOR / Tom Doherty Associates, (2007) dj. Hardcover first edition - Novel set in Tombstone, Arizona in 1881. "Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and Ike Clanton. You think you know the story? You don't." 318 pp. ISBN: 978-0312857356.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 74660
    View cart More details Price: $19.50
  • CUTTING STONE. by Burroway, Janet.
    Burroway, Janet.

    Edition: First printing.

    Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Author's seventh novel - she has been nominated for both the Pulitzer and the National Book Award - set i n the Arizona border town of Bowie - "a Western epic drawn in delicate nuances of character and theme." SIGNED on the title page. 404 pp. ISBN: 0-395-59300X.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 60251
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • CUTTING STONE. by Burroway, Janet.
    Burroway, Janet.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992. First edition - Author's seventh novel - she has been nominated for both the Pulitzer and the National Book Award - set in the Arizona border town of Bowie in the early 1900s - 'a Western epic drawn in delicate nuances of character and theme.' SIGNED on the title page. 404 pp.

    Condition: Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers (preliminary pages are loosely laid in)

    Book ID: 60250
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • Claremon, Neil

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970. dj. Hardcover first edition - His first book, poems set within the stark desert terrain of Arizona and New Mexico.

    Condition: Very good in a very good dustjacket (edgewear to top of dj.)

    Book ID: 7575
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • EASY FAVORS. by Claremon, Neil.
    Claremon, Neil.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: McGraw-Hill, (1980) dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's second novel (fourth book) set on the Mexican border, one which intertwines the stories of a woman looking for her grandfather and the clue to her grandmother's unsolved murder, a man looking for a rare plant, and a old Indian who reminisces about his past. 208 pp. ISBN: 0-07-0111219.

    Condition: Near fine in very good dust jacket. (light toning, short closed tear at base of dj spine, with a tape repair on the interior of the dj)

    Book ID: 61359
    View cart More details Price: $17.50
  • SHADOWS IN THE SUN: Travels to Landscapes of Spirit and Desire. by Davis, Wade.
    Davis, Wade.
    SHADOWS IN THE SUN: Travels to Landscapes of Spirit and Desire.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Lone Pine Publishing (1992). First edition - The author, a Harvard ethnobotanist, writes with empathy and understanding and personal experience about indigenous tribes from the tropics to the Arctic circle. Included are chapters on shamanic healing, the plants of the gods - and on the end of the wild. Photographs. 156 pp. ISBN: 1551050269.

    Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers with self-flaps.

    Book ID: 56933
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • Druhot, George Stanley.
    AMERICAN TOPOGRAPHER: The Working Years of George Stanley Druhot, 1914-1963.

    Edition: First printing.

    Rancho Cordova, California: Landmark Enterprises, (1985.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Autobiography covering five decades of working as a topographer for the US Geological Survey, across 22 Western states and the territory of Hawaii, spanning two world wars, the Depression, and the coming of age of modern topographic mapping (in fact, Druhot was one of the pioneers of the use of aerial photography in topography.) Also includes information about his wife, and his family, who traveled with him throughout the West - to mining country in California (the mother lode, but also Sonoma County and more), Montana, Utah, Arizona and more - - even a chapter on mapping the Olympics. Includes photographs taken by the author that illustrate much…


    Rancho Cordova, California: Landmark Enterprises, (1985.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Autobiography covering five decades of working as a topographer for the US Geological Survey, across 22 Western states and the territory of Hawaii, spanning two world wars, the Depression, and the coming of age of modern topographic mapping (in fact, Druhot was one of the pioneers of the use of aerial photography in topography.) Also includes information about his wife, and his family, who traveled with him throughout the West - to mining country in California (the mother lode, but also Sonoma County and more), Montana, Utah, Arizona and more - - even a chapter on mapping the Olympics. Includes photographs taken by the author that illustrate much about the life on the traveling survey crews of the early 20th century, and it has a picture of the official USGS wagon wheel survey techniques. Endpaper maps of Oahu, Hawaii. Brief commentary from his wife "A Woman's Vantage Point." Index. 238 pp. Slightly oversized format. ISBN: 0-910845255.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy, still in shrinkwrap.)

    Book ID: 39803
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • PIOUS DECEPTION. by Dunlap, Susan
    Dunlap, Susan

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Villard, 1989. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The first mystery featuring Kiernan O'Shaughnessy, a fiesty medical examiner turned sleuth, set on the well-heeled southern California coast near La Jolla and in the desert near Phoenix, Arizona . SIGNED on the title page. 209 pp. ISBN: 0-394-571681.

    Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket (initials on front endpaper.)

    Book ID: 43941
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • PIOUS DECEPTION. by Dunlap, Susan
    Dunlap, Susan

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Villard, 1989. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The first mystery featuring Kiernan O'Shaughnessy, a fiesty medical examiner turned sleuth, set on the well-heeled southern California coast near La Jolla and in the desert near Phoenix, Arizona . SIGNED on the title page. 209 pp. ISBN: 0-394-571681.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dustjacket.

    Book ID: 15633
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • THE EARP PAPERS: In a Brother's Image. by [Earp, Virgil and Wyatt] Chaput, Don.
    [Earp, Virgil and Wyatt] Chaput, Don.
    THE EARP PAPERS: In a Brother's Image.

    Edition: First printing.

    Encampment, Wyoming: Affiliated Writers of America. 1994. dj. Hardcover first edition - The first group biography of the Earp family, perhaps the notorious family in Western history. Based on 20 years of research, this focuses on especially on their time Tombstone and Prescott, Arizona, although the history of their crisscrossing America, starting over and over again in various states, is amazing in itself.. Photographs, bibliography, index. 261 pp. ISBN: 1-879915-103.

    Condition: Fine in near fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 48176
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • LASSO THE WIND: Away to the New West. by Egan, TImothy.
    Egan, TImothy.
    LASSO THE WIND: Away to the New West.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. dj. Hardcover first edition - His third book, a collection of fourteen essays by a consistently interesting, informative and sometimes provocative writer - . set in eleven states and focusing on the basic struggle for possession of the American West, Among those who appear here are "Kit Laney, who defiantly refuses to pay for grazing rights on public land; Patricia Mulroy, the head of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, who works to bring more water to Las Vegas' casinos, golf courses, and subdivisions, even if it means damming the Virgin River running through Zion National Park in Utah; and Robert P. McCulloch, a zealous developer who reassembled each stone of the London Bridge…


    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. dj. Hardcover first edition - His third book, a collection of fourteen essays by a consistently interesting, informative and sometimes provocative writer - . set in eleven states and focusing on the basic struggle for possession of the American West, Among those who appear here are "Kit Laney, who defiantly refuses to pay for grazing rights on public land; Patricia Mulroy, the head of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, who works to bring more water to Las Vegas' casinos, golf courses, and subdivisions, even if it means damming the Virgin River running through Zion National Park in Utah; and Robert P. McCulloch, a zealous developer who reassembled each stone of the London Bridge in the Arizona desert in an attempt to draw people to his contrived dream town." Maps, selected bibliography, indes. x, 266 pp. ISBN: 0-375400249.


    Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket.

    Book ID: 88846
    View cart More details Price: $18.50
  • TALES FROM WIDE RUINS: Jean and Bill Cousins, Traders by Engels, Mary Tate, editor.
    Engels, Mary Tate, editor.
    TALES FROM WIDE RUINS: Jean and Bill Cousins, Traders

    Edition: 2nd printing.

    Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech University Press, (1996) dj. SIGNED hardcover - An account of a vanished way of life, based on the stories of the Cousins family and their letters. "The Cousins spent a lifetime in the Indian trading business at Cousins Brothers Post, Thunderbird Post, Borrego Post, Wide Ruins Post" and more - in the 1930s and 1940s they were at Wide Ruins in Arizona, known to the Navajos as "Kin-teel" or wide house, and while there they encouraged the Navajo weavers to use entirely vegetale dyes in their rugs. Illustrated with both full color and black and white photographs. SIGNED on the title page by the editor, Mary Tate Engels with the comment "Step into the living…


    Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech University Press, (1996) dj. SIGNED hardcover - An account of a vanished way of life, based on the stories of the Cousins family and their letters. "The Cousins spent a lifetime in the Indian trading business at Cousins Brothers Post, Thunderbird Post, Borrego Post, Wide Ruins Post" and more - in the 1930s and 1940s they were at Wide Ruins in Arizona, known to the Navajos as "Kin-teel" or wide house, and while there they encouraged the Navajo weavers to use entirely vegetale dyes in their rugs. Illustrated with both full color and black and white photographs. SIGNED on the title page by the editor, Mary Tate Engels with the comment "Step into the living history of the old time traders. Enjoy!' Foreword by Sallie Lippincott Wagner. Includes Cousins geneological chart, notes, bibliography, index. xx, 244 pp. ISBN: 0-896723682.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 69506
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • LORD OF OPIUM by Farmer, Nancy.
    Farmer, Nancy.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Atheneum. Hardcover first edition - Sequel to Farmer's award-winning "House of Scorpion." As a clone of El Patron, 14 year old Matt is expected to take over as the Lord of Opium, a drug kingdom running along what used to be the border between the US and Mexico, a land devastated by ecological disasters. Cast of characters, maps, chronology, appendix. xvii, 411 pp. ISBN: 978-1442482548.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 72005
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • TOMBSTONE: Myth and Reality. by Faulk, Odie B.
    Faulk, Odie B.
    TOMBSTONE: Myth and Reality.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A history of Tombstone, Arizona beyond the violent frontier myths of the shoot-out at OK Corral and Boot Hill - an account of how the town grew, the mines, daily life, and finally how it survived as a town. SIGNED by the author on front endpaper. Maps, photographs, notes, bibliography, index. ix, 242 pp. ISBN: 0-19-5015819.

    Condition: Very good+ in fair dust jacket. (stamp on front endpaper, long diagonal tear on back cover of dj to spine - not very conspicuous in the mylar protector)

    Book ID: 58610
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • THE CONSTITUTION OF OCCIDENTE: The First Constitution of Arizona, Sonora, and Sinaloa (1825-1831) by Faulk, Odie B., translator and editor.
    Faulk, Odie B., translator and editor.
    THE CONSTITUTION OF OCCIDENTE: The First Constitution of Arizona, Sonora, and Sinaloa (1825-1831)

    Edition: First edition.

    Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society, 1967. Hardcover first edition - El Estado Libre de Occidente - the Free State of the West - was created by the Mexican Federation in 1824 and it consisted of what is now Sinaloa, Sonora and southern Arizona - although the Constitution contained in it the seeds of the destruction of this new state. Introduction by Faulk. A limited edition of 500 copies. Maps, footnotes. 53 pp.

    Condition: Fine in black boards with gilt lettering on the spine.

    Book ID: 82165
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • NO MAN'S LAND. by Ford, G. M.
    Ford, G. M.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: William H. Morrow, (2005.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The fifth suspense novel featuring rogue journalist and lone wolf Frank Corso. SIGNED on the title page. 310 pp. ISBN: 0-06-0554827.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 54532
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • NO MAN'S LAND. by Ford, G. M.
    Ford, G. M.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: William H. Morrow, (2005.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The fifth suspense novel featuring rogue journalist and lone wolf Frank Corso. SIGNED on the title page. 310 pp. ISBN: 0-06-0554827.

    Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket. (initials on front endpaper)

    Book ID: 53653
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • TUMBLEWORDS: Writers Reading the West. by Fox, William L., editor.
    Fox, William L., editor.
    TUMBLEWORDS: Writers Reading the West.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, (1995). First edition - Collects works by 72 western writers - featuring poets, novelists, short-story writers and essayists from Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming (the selections are arranged by state) Among the authors are Kim Barnes, William Johnson, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Jonathan Penner, Dennis Hickman and many others, Foreword by Donald Meyer and an introduction by the editor, William L. Fox. Map, notes on contributors, index of authors and titles. A title in the Western Literature Series.xxv, 377 pp.. Review copy with publisher's material laid in. ISBN: 0-874172713.

    Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 67213
    View cart More details Price: $24.50
  • SEDONA CONSPIRACY. by Glass, James C.
    Glass, James C.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    Rockville, MD: The Borgo Press / Wildside Press, 2012. SIGNED first edition - A science fiction thriller, involving extraterrestial beings by this former physics and astronomy professor. NSA agent Eric Price is sent to Sedona, Arizona to investigate strange activities at a secret underground base. SIGNED on the title page. 315 pp. ISBN: 978-1434435910.

    Condition: Very good in glossy illustrated wrappers (some spine slant).

    Book ID: 88202
    View cart More details Price: $21.50
  • Goldwater, Barry M with Jack Casserly.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Doubleday, (1988.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Autobiography of the distinguished conservative presidential candidate and senator from Arizona. Photographs, index. 414 pp. ISBN: 0-385-239475.

    Condition: Very good in near fine dust jacket (spine slant, prev owner's name.)

    Book ID: 31391
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • NEARER THAN THE SKY. by Greenwood, T.
    Greenwood, T.

    Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )

    New York: St Martin's, (2000). SIGNED first edition - Award winning author's second novel, one which brings to life Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, the often ignored mental disorder which causes afflicted mothers to make their own children ill. SIGNED on the title page. 306 pp.

    Condition: Very near fine in light blue printed wrappers (crease to upper corner of back cover)

    Book ID: 82745
    View cart More details Price: $30.00