- Keyword = shamans
SHADOWS IN THE SUN: Travels to Landscapes of Spirit and Desire.
Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Lone Pine Publishing (1992). First edition - The author, a Harvard ethnobotanist, writes with empathy and understanding and personal experience about indigenous tribes from the tropics to the Arctic circle. Included are chapters on shamanic healing, the plants of the gods - and on the end of the wild. Photographs. 156 pp. ISBN: 1551050269.
Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers with self-flaps.
Book ID: 56933More details Price: $45.00 -
Edition: First printing.
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, (1980) dj. Hardcover first edition - Novel set among the Eskimos of Baffin Island, by this Canadian author-artist, who lived among the Inuit for many years. Author's "last word." 306 pp. ISBN: 0-15-184755x.
Condition: Near fine in a very good dustjacket (some edgewear to dj)
Book ID: 65442More details Price: $16.50 -
MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT AND RELIGION: An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural.
Edition: Fourth Edition, a trade paperback.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, (1996.). A comprehensive anthology containing essays by many anthropologists include Claude Levi-Strauss, Peter Furst, Francis Huxley, Bronislaw Malinowski, Carl Sagan, Lawrence Wright and others. This edition includes nine new articles. Among the sections are those on shamans, on the religious use of drugs, and on ethnomedicine. Map, an extensive bibliography, glossary and index. Slightly oversized square format. 474 pp. ISBN: 1559346884.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
Book ID: 56296More details Price: $18.00 -
Edition: Large trade paperback.
Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, (ca 1990, c 1970). Pioneering work on the use of botanical drugs by Native Americans, originally published in 1970. Includes a very substantial appendix on the contributions to pharmacology. A title in The Civilization of the American Indian series. Includes a new preface to the paperback edition, dated in 1990. Footnotes appear at end of book, index of botanical names, index. bibliography. xiv, 578 pp. ISBN: 0-806122935.
Condition: Near fine in glossy illustrated black wrappers.
Book ID: 65359More details Price: $17.50