writing programs

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  • INSIDE TIME. by Smith, Ken.
    Smith, Ken.

    Edition: First printing.

    London: Harrap, (1989) dj. Hardcover first edition - "A ground-breaking book about what life is really like behind bars. In 1985, the poet Ken Smith was invited to spend 2 years as Writer-in-Residence at Wormwood Scrubs prison. His brief was to encourage prisoners to express their condition and their feelings in words. Smith developed a close relationship with several of the prisoners, one of whom 'Dave Wait', emerged as a very talented writer. One section of the book - 'Living in My Head' - is by him. For the most part, the book describes, in a painfully honest and unsentimental way, the life of prisoners from those on remand to those serving life sentences." Glossary. 237 pp Illustrated endpapers. ISBN: 0-245547207.

    Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket (bump to upper edge of front board, tear to dj at fold of front flap, otherwise a tight and straight copy).

    Book ID: 65075
    View cart More details Price: $16.50