scale models

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  • 20TH CENTURY LIMITED. by Rose, Alan.
    Rose, Alan.

    Edition: First printing.

    Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1984. First edition - A "testament to the halycon days of railroading in America." A book which can be used to cut and assemble a replica of the 20th Century Limited, the New York Central Lines train that ran between Grand Central Station in New York and Chicago. Includes a brief introduction with information and photographs of this train as well as other photographs and small reproductions of advertisements scattered throughout. Tips for assembling a diarama of the train rounding a bend of the Hudson River at the end. A Dolphin Book, printed on card stock and measuring 14 inches tall by 11". Unpaginated. ISBN: 0-385-277679.

    Condition: Very near fine in glossy stapled covers, pages on card stock and marked to be cut out to create color model. (as new)

    Book ID: 81640
    View cart More details Price: $50.00
  • Rose, Alan (graphic designer), Charles A. Haas, introduction.
    BUILD YOUR OWN TITANIC: The World on the Move.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: Perigee Books / Putnam, (1981.). First edition - An unused and uncut copy of this cut-and-assemble book which promises "hours of fun for the ambitious modeler" -only 42 steps - and which is (according to the back cover) an "exact reduced scale reproduction of one of the most legendary ocean liners ever to sail the seas ...printed in full, authentic color on sturdy card stock containing step-by-step, illustrated instructions, an exploding diagram and clearly numbered pieces for easy assembly. Included, too, is an introduction that explains the sad history and unique features of this renowned ship which went to the bottom of the Atlantic on its maiden voyage. Here's a fascinating way to raise the Titanic that…


    New York: Perigee Books / Putnam, (1981.). First edition - An unused and uncut copy of this cut-and-assemble book which promises "hours of fun for the ambitious modeler" -only 42 steps - and which is (according to the back cover) an "exact reduced scale reproduction of one of the most legendary ocean liners ever to sail the seas ...printed in full, authentic color on sturdy card stock containing step-by-step, illustrated instructions, an exploding diagram and clearly numbered pieces for easy assembly. Included, too, is an introduction that explains the sad history and unique features of this renowned ship which went to the bottom of the Atlantic on its maiden voyage. Here's a fascinating way to raise the Titanic that will ultimately result in a beautiful display of one wonder of the world on the move". When completed (although this is not recommended, since it would destroy the value of this rather uncommon Titanic item), the ship would be almost 4 feet long. Even the 'tip of the iceberg' is included. Introduction by Charles A. Haas, president of the Titanic Historical Society. Large format, unpaginated. ISBN: 0-399-505644.


    Condition: Very near fine in stiff illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 37427
    View cart More details Price: $100.00