juvenile system

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  • WIDENING CIRCLES. by Sturz, Elizabeth Lyttleton.
    Sturz, Elizabeth Lyttleton.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Harper & Row, (1983) dj. Hardcover first edition - An account by one of the founders of a program designed to create a save place for teenagers who are "chronic underachievers" - runaways, dropouts often recycling in and out of the juvenile prison system. From the cover: "Amid the ashes of the South Bronx, Argus Community is evidence that America has within it the power reclaim the ghettoes of our country". Notes, glossary. xvi, 331 pp. ISBN: 0-060151099.

    Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket (some penciled underlining, mostly in the introduction, sunning to the spine of the dj)

    Book ID: 79254
    View cart More details Price: $18.50