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Showing 1 to 30 of 540
  • THE KILLING OF THE SAINTS. by Abella, Alex.
    Abella, Alex.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Crown, (1991.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Described as the first Cuban-American thriller, this is a story of witchcraft, crime and law, set in the Hispanic communities of Los Angeles. Charlie Morrell, himself Cuban, is a court-appointed investigator assigned to take on the case of two marielitos, followers of the santeria cult, who are accused of a vicious killing. SIGNED on the title page and dated in the year of publication, 308 pp. ISBN: 0-517-58509X.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 64477
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • THE KILLING OF THE SAINTS. by Abella, Alex.
    Abella, Alex.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Crown, (1991.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Described as the first Cuban-American thriller, this is a story of witchcraft, crime and law, set in the Hispanic communities of Los Angeles. Charlie Morrell, himself Cuban, is a court-appointed investigator assigned to take on the case of two marielitos, followers of the santeria cult, who are accused of a vicious killing. SIGNED on the half title page, 308 pp. ISBN: 0-517-58509X.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 52360
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • BEYOND FORGET: Rediscovering the Prairies. by Abley, Mark
    Abley, Mark
    BEYOND FORGET: Rediscovering the Prairies.

    Edition: First US printing.

    San Francisco: Sierra Club, (1986) dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's first book - he grew up in the Canadian West and in 1985 he revisited the Prairie Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. He includes accounts of the various colonies of immigrants, the treatment of Indians, and of the countryside itself. Index. viii, 260 pp. ISBN: 0-871567059.

    Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket (corners bumped, bookstore line on top edge)

    Book ID: 68251
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • BLOODY BONSAI: A Jim Dandy Elderhostel Mystery. by Abresch, Peter.
    Abresch, Peter.
    BLOODY BONSAI: A Jim Dandy Elderhostel Mystery.

    Edition: First printing.

    Aurora, CO: Write Way Publishing, (1998) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The author's first novel and the first in the series of Elderhostel mysteries. "Unable to generate enthusiasm for anything since his wife's death, retired physical therapist James P. Dandy has let his children cajole him into attending an Elderhostel at the Jersey shore. But the other participants seem indistinguishable except for their name tags - sall but Dodee Swisher, a gallery owner determined to create her own laboratory component for their class in bonsai gardening. . . A bonus in this winsome, if guileless, debut is a short course in how to style a bonsai plant and use it as a murder weapon." (Kirkus Reviews) SIGNED on the title page. 239 pp. ISBN: 1-885173342.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 77557
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • Adams, W. Royce

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    Fort Bragg, CA: Lost Coast Press, 1999. First edition - First novel for older children by this well-known educator. A fantasy story about a mysterious timeless land called Rairarubia invented by 11 year old Molly and her father as a way to pass the time - but then events from that land begin slipping into Molly's life, and she begins to travel there.

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 11182
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • THE CARDBOARD HOUSE by Adan, Martin. Translated by Katherine Silver.
    Adan, Martin. Translated by Katherine Silver.

    Edition: First printing.

    St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, (1990.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The great Peruvian poet's first book and his only complete work of prose (although described as a novel, it is more a long prose-poem), written between 1924-27 and first published in Spanish in 1928 when Adan was only 20 years old. Translated and with an introduction by Katherine Silver. SIGNED on the title page by the translator, Kathleen Silver. (Silver commented that this was her favorite book among all that she translated) A title in the Palabra Sur Series. 103 pp. ISBN: 1-55597-1296.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 75480
    View cart More details Price: $37.50
  • DRAWING DOWN THE MOON: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, Other Pagans in America Today. by Adler, Margot (1946-2014)
    Adler, Margot (1946-2014)
    DRAWING DOWN THE MOON: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, Other Pagans in America Today.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: The Viking Press, (1979) dj. Hardcover first edition - A book which remains the best comprehensive guide to Neo-paganism and one which sparked increased interest in the movement. Adler, a practicing Wiccan herself, felt a close affinity to the earth-centered worship of the Pagan ceremonies - this opened to her a spiritual world that did not require a catechism of belief but instead allowed her to suspend rationalism and give herself over to something more akin to art, poetry and music. As preparation for this book,in the 1970s Adler interviewed hundreds of people and gathered a wide variety of documents in order to capture and describe the full range of contemporary and historical Pagan practices, including touring…


    New York: The Viking Press, (1979) dj. Hardcover first edition - A book which remains the best comprehensive guide to Neo-paganism and one which sparked increased interest in the movement. Adler, a practicing Wiccan herself, felt a close affinity to the earth-centered worship of the Pagan ceremonies - this opened to her a spiritual world that did not require a catechism of belief but instead allowed her to suspend rationalism and give herself over to something more akin to art, poetry and music. As preparation for this book,in the 1970s Adler interviewed hundreds of people and gathered a wide variety of documents in order to capture and describe the full range of contemporary and historical Pagan practices, including touring England where she interviewed Druids, witches, and Pagans. Illustrated with photographs. Appendices on rituals, proclamations and resources. Notes, index. xi, 455 pp. ISBN: 0-670283428.


    Condition: Very near fine in a very good dustjacket (price-clipped, short edgetear). Uncommon in the first edition.

    Book ID: 86484
    View cart More details Price: $150.00
  • SAY YOU'RE ONE OF THEM. by Akpan, Uwem.
    Akpan, Uwem.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York & Boston: Little Brown, (2008). First edition - Nigerian author's prize winning first book - a collection of five short stories, each set in a different country in Africa, and each a testament to the incredible resilience of children. From a family living in a makeshift shanty in urban Kenya in "Ex-Mas Feast" to a a Rwandan girl who relates her family's struggles to maintain a facade of normalcy amid unspeakable acts, and a young brother and sister coping with their uncle's attempt to sell them into slavery, the toll of poverty and religious conflict becomes clear. Louise Erdrich called this book "A beautiful, bitter, compelling read. The savagely strange juxtapositions in these stories are grounded by…


    New York & Boston: Little Brown, (2008). First edition - Nigerian author's prize winning first book - a collection of five short stories, each set in a different country in Africa, and each a testament to the incredible resilience of children. From a family living in a makeshift shanty in urban Kenya in "Ex-Mas Feast" to a a Rwandan girl who relates her family's struggles to maintain a facade of normalcy amid unspeakable acts, and a young brother and sister coping with their uncle's attempt to sell them into slavery, the toll of poverty and religious conflict becomes clear. Louise Erdrich called this book "A beautiful, bitter, compelling read. The savagely strange juxtapositions in these stories are grounded by the loving relationships between brothers and sisters forced to survive in a world of dreamlike horror. Open the book at any page, as in divination, and a stunning sentence will leap out. Newspaper facts are molded by Akpan's sure touch into fictional works of great power." Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book (Africa Region) 2009 and PEN/Beyond Margins Award 2009, and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction among other honors. The author has his first novel, second book, coming out in November 2021. Map frontispiece. Includes a conversation with the author. 364 pp.


    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers with self-flaps. .

    Book ID: 82739
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • SAY YOU'RE ONE OF THEM. by Akpan, Uwem.
    Akpan, Uwem.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York & Boston: Little Brown, (2008). SIGNED hardcover first edition - Nigerian author's prize winning first book - a collection of five short stories, each set in a different country in Africa, and each a testament to the incredible resilience of children. From a family living in a makeshift shanty in urban Kenya in "Ex-Mas Feast" to a a Rwandan girl who relates her family's struggles to maintain a facade of normalcy amid unspeakable acts, and a young brother and sister coping with their uncle's attempt to sell them into slavery, the toll of poverty and religious conflict becomes clear. Louise Erdrich called this book "A beautiful, bitter, compelling read. The savagely strange juxtapositions in these stories are…


    New York & Boston: Little Brown, (2008). SIGNED hardcover first edition - Nigerian author's prize winning first book - a collection of five short stories, each set in a different country in Africa, and each a testament to the incredible resilience of children. From a family living in a makeshift shanty in urban Kenya in "Ex-Mas Feast" to a a Rwandan girl who relates her family's struggles to maintain a facade of normalcy amid unspeakable acts, and a young brother and sister coping with their uncle's attempt to sell them into slavery, the toll of poverty and religious conflict becomes clear. Louise Erdrich called this book "A beautiful, bitter, compelling read. The savagely strange juxtapositions in these stories are grounded by the loving relationships between brothers and sisters forced to survive in a world of dreamlike horror. Open the book at any page, as in divination, and a stunning sentence will leap out. Newspaper facts are molded by Akpan's sure touch into fictional works of great power." SIGNED on the title page. Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book (Africa Region) 2009 and PEN/Beyond Margins Award 2009, and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction among other honors. The author's first novel, "New York, My Village", was published in November 2021 to excellent reviews. Map frontispiece. 358 pp. ISBN: 978-0316113786.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 82738
    View cart More details Price: $65.00
  • WAR BY CANDLELIGHT: Stories. by Alarcon, Daniel.
    Alarcon, Daniel.

    Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Harper Collins, (2005). First edition - The first book by this award-winning writer who was born in Lima, Peru but grew up in Alabama and writes in English. These nine stories "take the reader from Third World urban centers to the fault lines that divide nations and people. Wars, both national and internal, are waged in jungles, across borders, in the streets of Lima, in the intimacy of New York apartments.. . a devastating portrait of a world in flux." 189 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 91074
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • Alarcon, Daniel.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Harper Collins, (2005) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The first book by this award-winning writer who was born in Lima, Peru but grew up in Alabama and writes in English. These nine stories "take the reader from Third World urban centers to the fault lines that divide nations and people. Wars, both national and internal, are waged in jungles, across borders, in the streets of Lima, in the intimacy of New York apartments.. . a devastating portrait ofa world in flux." SIGNED on the title page. 189 pp. ISBN: 0-060594780.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 83267
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • CHEATERS and Other Stories. by Albarelli, Dean.
    Albarelli, Dean.
    CHEATERS and Other Stories.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: St Martin's, (1996). SIGNED hardcover first edition - The author's first book, a collection of nine stories about men (mostly) on the brink of decisions that will change their lives - among them is "Honeymoon" about a young IRA terrorist, which was included in "20 Under 30: Best Stories by America's Young New Writers." SIGNED on the title page and INSCRIBED and dated in the year of publication on the half title page to the late noted Oklahoma collector Larry Owens. Laid in a postcard with a handwritten note by Albarelli to Owens thanking him for his support. 210 pp. ISBN: 0-312142943.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 82808
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • CHEATERS and Other Stories. by Albarelli, Dean.
    Albarelli, Dean.
    CHEATERS and Other Stories.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: St Martin's, (1996). SIGNED hardcover first edition - The author's first book, a collection of nine stories about men (mostly) on the brink of decisions that will change their lives - among them is "Honeymoon" about a young IRA terrorist, which was included in "20 Under 30: Best Stories by America's Young New Writers." SIGNED on the title page. Laid in is a promotional postcard with a handwritten note by Albarelli to the late Oklahoma collector Larry Owens. Review copy with publisher's material laid in. 210 pp. ISBN: 0-312142943.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 82809
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • Albee, Edward.
    THE ZOO STORY, THE DEATH OF BESSIE SMITH, THE SANDBOX: Three Plays Introduced by the Author.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Coward-McCann, 1960. dj. Hardcover first edition - Albee's uncommon first book.

    Condition: Very near fine in a very good dustjacket (price-clipped by the publisher with a new price of $3.50 imprinted in the lower corner, some short edgetears, and a small peeled spot on the front cover.)

    Book ID: 13251
    View cart More details Price: $85.00
    Alcala, Kathleen.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, issued simultaneously with hardcover.

    Corvallis, OR: Calyx Books, 1992. First edition - Her first book, a collection of short fiction, SIGNED on on the title page. Says the author in the preface, "Many of the stories concern the women who came of age in the United States within a Mexican social structure, surrounded by a pre-Columbian landscape and sensibility." 170 pp. ISBN: 0-934971-250.

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 82769
    View cart More details Price: $22.50
    Alcala, Kathleen.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, issued simultaneously with hardcover.

    Corvallis, OR: Calyx Books, 1992. First edition - Her first book, a collection of short fiction, SIGNED on the title page. Says the author in the preface, "Many of the stories concern the women who came of age in the United States within a Mexican social structure, surrounded by a pre-Columbian landscape and sensibility.". ISBN: 0-934971-250.

    Condition: Near fine- a few pencilled notes (erasable). Crease at bottom corner of front wrapper.

    Book ID: 19827
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • ONE DRY SEASON: In the Footsteps of Mary Kingsley. by Alexander, Caroline.
    Alexander, Caroline.
    ONE DRY SEASON: In the Footsteps of Mary Kingsley.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990. dj. Hardcover first edition - First book by this Florida born author, one in which she tells of her journey into Gabon in West Africa, almost a century after Mary Kingsley, then 30, who ventured into this area in 1893 - "a region notorious for its deadly climate and diseases, its alarming wildlife, and its cannibals" - a trip which led to her classic book 'Travels in West Africa.'. . "Armed with Kingsley's book and maps, her own background research, and a store of determination, the author trekked through bamboo forests and villages of mud huts, . . Juxtaposing the colorful details of her days with the writings of a vast cast of…


    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990. dj. Hardcover first edition - First book by this Florida born author, one in which she tells of her journey into Gabon in West Africa, almost a century after Mary Kingsley, then 30, who ventured into this area in 1893 - "a region notorious for its deadly climate and diseases, its alarming wildlife, and its cannibals" - a trip which led to her classic book 'Travels in West Africa.'. . "Armed with Kingsley's book and maps, her own background research, and a store of determination, the author trekked through bamboo forests and villages of mud huts, . . Juxtaposing the colorful details of her days with the writings of a vast cast of explorers from a century before, she weaves a verbal tapestry that tells of her deepening affection for the Gabonese and growing admiration for the exploits of her 19th-century forebear." (Publishers' Weekly) Map frontispiece, bibliography. 290 pp.. ISBN: 0-394574559.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 84475
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • VANILLA CUSTARD. by Alexander, Judith Morgan.
    Alexander, Judith Morgan.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, printed in a limited edition of 1000 copies.

    Point Reyes Station, CA: Floating Island Publications, 1988. SIGNED first edition - A collection of poems, short prose pieces and photographs (most shot in Mexico). Warmly INSCRIBED on the half title page "To my dear friend --- Oh if only we could get the taste of vanilla custard in our mouths again" etc. and dated in the year of publication. 89 pp. ISBN: 0-912449-233.

    Condition: Very good+ in glossy purple illustrated wrappers (2 x's on bottom edge, some sunning to the spine)

    Book ID: 54308
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • DESPAIR and Other Stories of Ottowa. by Alexis, Andre.
    Alexis, Andre.
    DESPAIR and Other Stories of Ottowa.

    Edition: First printing.

    Toronto: Coach House Press, (1994). SIGNED first edition - First book by this Afro-Canadian author, who was born in Trinidad, a collection of "eight exquisitely crafted short stories shimmering with malevolence and longing." SIGNED on the title page. Winner of the Books in Canada First Book and Trillium awards, shortlisted for the Giller Prize. 259 pp. ISBN: 0-805059814.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers with self flaps.

    Book ID: 88526
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • HOMECOMING. by Alvarez, Julia.
    Alvarez, Julia.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Grove Press, (1984.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - SIGNED on the title page. Very uncommon hardcover edition of the first book by this writer (who spent her earliest years in her parents' native Dominican Republic) to be published by a major press. Since this was issued simultaneously in both soft and hardcover, the hardcover printing was very small. The central section of these poems is called 'housekeeping; and reconstruct her experiences as her mother teaches her housewifery skills, there is the underlying irony that 'at 33' Alvarez is not the 'heroine of her mother's stories' for she has neither a house, husband nor children. A title in the Grove Press Poetry Series edited by Robert Pack. 93 pp. ISBN: 0-394-538552.

    Condition: Fine in near fine dust jacket (short closed edgetears , sunning to the edges of the back cover of the dj, as is common with this dustjacket.) Still a lovely copy of a very hard to find book.

    Book ID: 30635
    View cart More details Price: $650.00
  • OMMATEUM WITH DOXOLOGY. by Ammons, A. R (1926-2001)
    Ammons, A. R (1926-2001)

    Edition: First thus.

    New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, (2006) dj. Hardcover first edition - A reissue of Ammon's first book, originally published in very limited numbers in1955 by Dorrance, a "vanity" publisher. This edition includes a long new introduction by Roger Gilbert. 85 pp. ISBN: 0-393064468.

    Condition: Fine in a very near fine dust mostly white jacket.

    Book ID: 75089
    Keywords: first book, Poetry
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • THE GLOVES: A Boxing Chronicle. by Anasi, Robert.
    Anasi, Robert.
    THE GLOVES: A Boxing Chronicle.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: North Point Press, (2002). First edition - First time author Robert Anasi writes a personal memoir of amateur boxing today - at the age of thirty-two, the last year of his eligibilty, he sets out to train for the Golden Gloves tournament. 238 pp.

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 59855
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • WHALES ON STILTS: M. T. Anderson's Thrilling Tales. by Anderson, M. T. (Kurt Cyrus, illustrator)
    Anderson, M. T. (Kurt Cyrus, illustrator)
    WHALES ON STILTS: M. T. Anderson's Thrilling Tales.

    Edition: 3rd printing.

    New York: Harcourt, Inc., (2005.) dj. SIGNED hardcover - Lily is just an average 12 year old girl, but fortunately her two best friends are anything but average. Racing against the clock, they have to foil the plot of her father's conniving boss to conquer the world using an army of whales. The first book in a "riotous and wonderfully weird new series for listeners who like their thrilling tales with tongue firmly in cheek."SIGNED by the author on the title page. Illustrated with drawings by Kurt Cyrus. 188 pp plus a reading guide and an interview with the author. ISBN: 0-152053409.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 41222
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • MURDER BY PROPHECY. by Anderson, Maggie Oliver.
    Anderson, Maggie Oliver.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, not issued in hardcover.

    Sacramento, CA: ReGeJe Press, (1998.). First edition - A thriller (the author's first book) combining "wind, tornadoes, contract killers, romance and Louisiana-African mysticism... a true original" (Patricia Canterbury.) Set mostly in Sacramento and Northern California. 276 pp. ISBN: 0-96391474X.

    Condition: Fine (a new copy) in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 36178
    View cart More details Price: $10.00
  • TENSLEEP. by Andrews, Sarah.
    Andrews, Sarah.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Macmillan, (1994) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - An unusual debut novel - introduces Em Hansen, a mudlogger - set in the oil fields of Wyoming - the author is a geologist herself. Author's note. 280 pp. ISBN: 1-883402-336.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 65627
    View cart More details Price: $50.00
  • BABY OF THE FAMILY by Ansa, Tina McElroy
    Ansa, Tina McElroy

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Harcourt, Inc., (1989.) dj. Hardcover first edition - African American novelist's first book, a wryly humorous coming-of-age story, set in a small town in her native Georgia, beginning in the 1950s. SIGNED on the title page. 265 pp. ISBN: 0-15110431X.

    Condition: Very near fine in a fine dustjacket (some very light toning to the pages).

    Book ID: 58557
    View cart More details Price: $60.00
  • BABY OF THE FAMILY by Ansa, Tina McElroy
    Ansa, Tina McElroy

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Harcourt, Inc., (1989.) dj. Hardcover first edition - African American novelist's first book, a wryly humorous coming-of-age story, set in a small town in her native Georgia, beginning in the 1950s. 265 pp. ISBN: 0-15110431X.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 37627
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • SCRIBNER'S BEST OF THE FICTION WORKSHOPS 1998 by [Anthology, signed] Shields, Carol, editor. Julie Otsuka, signed.
    [Anthology, signed] Shields, Carol, editor. Julie Otsuka, signed.

    Edition: Trade paperback original - 2nd printing.

    New York: Simon & Schuster, (1998.). SIGNED - A collection of 22 short stories selected, and with an introduction, by guest editor, Carol Shields, from over one hundred writing programs around the United States and Canada. SIGNED by Otsuka at her story 'Evacuation Order #19.' Included are stories, preceding their first books, from such writers as the 2006 Booker Prize winning author Kiran Desai and Julie Otsuka. Other young contributors include Adam Marshall Johnson, Judith Claire Mitchell, Timothy A. Westmoreland , Carolyn Moon, Richard Elson and others. 397 pp. ISBN: 0-684-838362.

    Condition: Very near fine in wrappers (new, unread copies, but with a little sunning to the covers.)

    Book ID: 36840
    Keywords: Anthology, first book
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • MY (UNDERGROUND) AMERICAN DREAM: My True Story as an Undocumented Immigrant Who Became a Wall Street Executive. by Arce, Julissa with Mark Dagostino.
    Arce, Julissa with Mark Dagostino.
    MY (UNDERGROUND) AMERICAN DREAM: My True Story as an Undocumented Immigrant Who Became a Wall Street Executive.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Center Street, (2016) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A memoir about the costs - in separation from her family, constant fear and worry - of being an undocumented immigrant - even when one is "successful." "When she was 11 years old Julissa Arce left Mexico and came to the United States on a tourist visa to be reunited with her parents. . . When her visa expired at the age of 15, she became an undocumented immigrant. Thus began her underground existence, a decades long game of cat and mouse, tremendous family sacrifice, and fear of exposure. After the Texas Dream Act made a college degree possible, Julissa's top grades and leadership positions landed her an…


    New York: Center Street, (2016) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A memoir about the costs - in separation from her family, constant fear and worry - of being an undocumented immigrant - even when one is "successful." "When she was 11 years old Julissa Arce left Mexico and came to the United States on a tourist visa to be reunited with her parents. . . When her visa expired at the age of 15, she became an undocumented immigrant. Thus began her underground existence, a decades long game of cat and mouse, tremendous family sacrifice, and fear of exposure. After the Texas Dream Act made a college degree possible, Julissa's top grades and leadership positions landed her an internship at Goldman Sachs, which led to a full time position--one of the most coveted jobs on Wall Street. Soon she was a Vice President, a rare Hispanic woman in a sea of suits and ties, yet still guarding her "underground" secret." SIGNED on the title page by Arce. Illustrated with photographs in full color. Resources. 296 pp. ISBN: 978-1455540242.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 68534
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • Arnold, Janis

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin, 1991. First edition - The author's first book, the story of two sisters in a small town in Texas caught up in a bitter family rivalry, as they try to come to terms with their different memories of their childhood. Photograph of the author laid in.

    Condition: Fine.

    Book ID: 20873
    View cart More details Price: $30.00