dairy farm

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  • Olmstead, Robert.
    STAY HERE WITH ME: A Memoir.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Henry Holt, 1996. dj. Hardcover first edition - Memoir of his youth on his grandfather's dairy farm in New Hampshire, infused by the sweetness of his first love, and the bitterness of his father's alcoholism and the decline of his grandfather, the family patriarch. Although highly critically acclaimed - Joyce Kornblatt writing in the NY Times called his work 'violent and meditative, hopeless and elegiac, ribald and somber.... he writes heartbreaking, beautiful prose' - he has not received the popular recognition he deserves. ISBN: 0-8050-41621.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 22623
    View cart More details Price: $18.00