Edition: First printing.
Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 1994. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The author's first novel, named an ALA Notable Book - a "harrowing wilderness adventure story, features an unlikely heroine: five-foot-one photographer Beryl, who must venture deep into the Canadian Arctic, fend off dozens of the world's largest land carnivores, and survive. . . . In Churchill, where the bears gather every autumn to hunt on the frozen Hudson Bay, she barely survives her first hair- raising encounter with a bear while accompanying a policewoman on all-night patrol. The stakes increase as the team boards its state- of-the-art Arctic Traveler bus and ventures 40 miles into the wilderness, where Beryl climbs into her cage and takes pictures as hungry bears try to devour her, . . but her sessions are cut short when the ten-foot monsters chew the bus's fuel tanks to shreds, forcing its passengers to hike unprotected across the tundra in a desperate bid for warmth and shelter. Dramatically understated, yet offering several unforgettably vivid descriptions of wildlife encounters" (Kirkus) SIGNED on the title page. Review copy with publisher's material laid in. The uncommon red wrap-around promotional band - offering a full refund if this book does not "chill you" is still present. 228 pp. ISBN: 0-792720784.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.