Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.
New London, CT: Little Red Tree Publishing, (2011). SIGNED first edition - One of the seminal books by this prolific poet, a native of San Francisco who became part of the San Francisco Beat movement, as well as the founder and publisher of Second Coming Press. An irresistible pleasure for anyone who loves or loved the City. David Melzer commented "A. D. Winans is the poet heart of San Francisco. He tells it like it was and is. This splendid collection of his nomadic movements through the city through the decades is like no other. His eye, sense of the observed detail, his empathy for the ruin and resurrection, is unique. The melancholia of the old days contend with sharp updated quick shots of the city on the move. A rich offering." and Neeli Cherkovski says it is a book written with "all the passion of a true elder in the art of poetry. Here are the sounds and sites of a city of poets, wonderfully knit. A reader will find the deep humors of San Francisco alive and well in the hands of a master." SIGNED by Winans on the title page and uncommon thus. Introduction by Charles Plymel. Index of titles and first lines. 172 pp. ISBN: 978-1935656159.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.