HYMNS OF ST. BRIDGET & Other Writings.
Edition: First printing in wrappers.
Woodacre, CA: Owl Press, 2001. First edition - An expanded version of a chapbook of the same name published in 1974 by Adventures in Poetry - the cover notes this is the "full run of poetry and prose that the two poets between 1960 and 1964. Two-thirds of these have never appeared in book form before." Includes miscellaneous writings, "The Letters of Angelicus & Fidelio Fobb," and "Marcia: An Unfinished Novel (with Patsy Southgate)" Notes. Errata slip laid in. Cover art by Alex Katz. One of only 1000 copies in the first printing. Square format. 85 pp. ISBN: 0-966943058.
Condition: Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
Book ID: 88905
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