AT SEA. by Olson, Toby.

AT SEA. by Olson, Toby. < >


Edition: First printing.

New York: Simon & Schuster, (1993) dj. Hardcover first edition - Sixth novel by this award-winning writer, set on the far end of Cape Cod, where Olson lives much of the time. "Provincetown cop Peter Blue, is investigating the rape of Beth Charters - and trying to get over shooting drug-runner Jimmy Hale, who was carrying Beth's phone number in his wallet - when his wife Sara, called back to Wisconsin by her mother's illness, decides to return to her old home without him. Things get worse: Peter learns that Beth's been attacked again, raped, and killed. It's obvious that there are connections between Beth's killing and Jimmy's survivors - including a cantankerous father and a sinister cousin who have already been harassing Peter; what isn't obvious is the strange shapes these connections, forged in a gay bar and another smuggling racket, will finally take." (Kirkus Reviews) 239 pp. ISBN: 0-671736418.

Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

Book ID: 87372
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