Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )
New York: Scholastic, 1998. SIGNED first edition - Novel for older children based on the life of the legendary Calfornia stage coach driver known as One-Eyed Charley and Six-Horse Charley, but whose real name was Charlotte Parkhurst (under the name of Charles Parkhurst, she was also the first woman to vote in California,) Her route was over Mt Madonna near Watsonville, and the ranch she owned was near what is now Freedom Road there. Illustrated with black and white drawings by Brian Selznick and SIGNED by him on the title page. Winner of Parenting Magazine's Reading Magic Award for 1998's Most Outstanding Children's Books and The San Francisco Chronicle's Best Books of 199 8; nominated for the 1999-2000 California Young Reader Medal and the North Dakota Flicker Tale Award. 138 pp.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. An uncommon advance copy.