Edition: First printing.
New York: The Macaulay Company, (1932). Hardcover first edition - The author's very uncommon second novel. Like his first, the Pulitzer nominated "The No-Nation Girl," this is set among the multiracial natives of the bayous of Louisiana -Wall uses "no nation" for those whose ancestry is Black, Indian, Spanish and French. In its review when this book was first published, the NY Times commented "Beneath the garish title may be discovered a simple and effective story notable for its accurate observation of a little-known corner of the world. . . the story of how Duke, a "no-nation" boy slowly and tragically learned of the distrust which he must expect from black and whites alike on the score of his mixed blood." Wall was born in Mississippi, and while he attended university in Louisiana, and worked there at various times, it was only after this marriage to his second wife, a Louisiana born poet, that he moved to the country he wrote about so vividly. 300 pp.
Condition: Very good in light green cloth with dark green lettering and a small illustration on front cover and spine (slight fading to the spine) no dust jacket.