Edition: First printing.
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, (1979) dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's first book, a portrait of street life in the oldest all-black town in America, a small Illinois town on the Mississippi River, originally named Brooklyn and also renamed as Lovejoy after the abolitionist printer who was killed. This focuses on the story of James Bollinger, known as the dancer, both law enforcer and desperado who was shot to death on November 14, 1973, on the main street. This book is also a look at the early 70s, "when the empowering, hope-inducing vibes of the black pride movement could still mitigate, if not erase, the crushing effects of the poverty and racism that had not and still has not been overcome." Cover praise from Truman Capote and Gordon Parks among others. Review copy with publisher's slip and author photograps laid in. 222 pp. ISBN: 0-151849935.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.