OUT WEST ON THE OVERLAND TRAIN: Across-The-Continent Excursion with Leslie's Magazine in 1877, And Overland Trip in 1967.
Edition: First printing.
Palo Alto, CA: The American West Publishing Co., (1967) dj. Hardcover first edition - "For five months, Frank Leslie and his ''Excursion to the Pacific'' traveled by private railroad car. They stopped over in Chicago, Cheyenne, Denver, Salt Lake City, Virginia City, and San Francisco. They peeked into gambling casinos, opium dens, and mining camps; banqueted with Comstock silver kings and reported every detail of their trip to readers of the newspaper." This is the first time the story has been assembled book form, complete with the original drawings from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. In addition this trip has been coupled with an account of the same journey by an American writer 90 years later. Footnotes (at end), index. Large format, a heavy book. 207 pp.
Condition: Very near fine in a very good first issue dustjacket with the original pre-publication price of $10.50 in the corner of the dj flap (some toning to textblock edges, chip to front cover of dj) .