Edition: First US printing.
Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin / Seymour Lawrence, (1994). Hardcover first edition - An account of Donleavy's struggle to create and publish the book that became a twentieth-century masterpiece: The Ginger Man. It took him 4 years to write it, and then it was rejected by 35 publishers until Maurice Girodias of the Olympia Press accepted it - only to infuriate Donleavy when he discovered that it was published as part of the often anonymous and pornographic Traveller's Companion series. Over twenty years of lawsuits followed, with Donleavy eventually prevailing, and Girodias driven into bankruptcy with the press purchased by Donleavy's wife at auction. This is "literary history combined with Donleavy's autobiography - from his childhood in the Bronx, education at Catholic schools, service in the U.S. Navy, and travels, to his current life as proprietor of a landed estate in the midlands of Ireland." Illustrated with photographs. 517 pp. Illustrated endpapers. ISBN: 0-395515955.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (appears unread.)