HEY, WAITRESS! The USA From the Other Side of the Tray.
Edition: First printing.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, (2002) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Women who work as servers in restaurants tell their own stories in their own words, often with humor and insight and candor. Dust jacket praise from Anthony Bourdain, Susan Brownmiller and Barbara Ehrenreich who called this book "a delightful chronicle of waitressing - from the first commercial eating establishments to a contemporary Pizza Hut - as seen through the eyes of its stalwart practitioners.a great pleasure to read, not least because it's a long overdue tribute to some of America's most tireless and least appreciated working women." SIGNED on the title page. Illustrated with small photographs, notes. 334 pp. ISBN: 0-520217500.
Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)