SIGNS OF SILENCE: Bernard Bragg and the National Threater of the Deaf
Edition: First printing.
New York: Dodd & Mead Company, (1972) dj. Hardcover first edition - Story of Bernard Bragg, one of the 10% of deaf children born to deaf parents. The overview of his life from his childhood in Connecticut on his grandfather's farm to the New York School for the Deaf, and Gallaudet College for the Deaf to his studies for the theater, including studying mime under Marcel Marceau He became one of the major performers for the National Theater of the Deaf, . using mime and sign language. Introudtion by Nanette Fabray. Illustrated with black and white photographs. 176 pp. ISBN: 0-396-066127.
Condition: Near fine with very good dust jacket (short closed tear on front of dust jacket, price-clipped)
Book ID: 59501
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