Edition: First thus.
A l i s o V i e j o , C A: J a m e s C a h i l l P u b l i s h i n g, 1996. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - First hardcover edition of an offbeat suspense novel by this writer best known for his 'burglar' series, originally published as a paperback original in 1969. "Who were the specialists? 'There were six of them...Ex-soldiers, each with a unique talent. There game was getting to a special kind of vermin, the kind that preyed on innocents...'" Includes a new afterword by Block explaining the background of this novel, which he describes as a "one book series." INSCRIBED on the title page "For --- best" . 160 pp plus 4 pp afterword. Wraparound dust jacket by Phil Parks. ISBN: 0-9640454-35.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.