MARY OLIVIER: A LIFE. by Sinclair, May.

MARY OLIVIER: A LIFE. by Sinclair, May. < >


Edition: First US printing.

New York: Macmillan, 1919. Hardcover first edition - Probably the most studied and commented on of Sinclair's novels, this story of a daughter brought up in a Victorian household, of her relationship with her mother, and her attempts to find herself as a writer, reflects Sinclair's willingness to learn from others. In this she uses narrative techniques first developed by Dorothy Richardson (in reviewing Richardson's work, Sinclair applied William James' term 'stream of consciousness' for the first time to a literary work), the 'new' psyschology of Freud and Jung, and the symbolism she had learned from the imagists. This novel begins 60 years in the past, is notable for the shifting voice (unusually it begins with the second person), and in its bitter backward look at the Victorian era, it reflects the difficulties she struggled with in her own life. 380 pp plus publisher's advertisements.

Condition: Very good minus in dark red cloth with gilt lettering on the spine - some rubbing and wear to edges of boards and corners, previous owner's name, toning to endpapers.

Book ID: 55470
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