WHERE MY HEART IS TURNING EVER: Civil War Stories and Constitutional Reform 1861-1876.
Edition: First printing.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, (1992.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Looks at more than 300 short narratives published throughout the country,in 16 different magazines, stories that either confronted or evaded the Civil War and its aftermath. Diffley divides these stories into three broad genres - Old Homestead, Romance and Adventure. Included in this book are three examples of these stories: Mark Twain 'A True Story Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It.' De Forest 'Parole de Honneur' and Rebecca Harding Davis 'How the Widow Crossed the Lines.' Illustrated, bibliography, index. xlvii, 236 pp. ISBN: 0-8203-1445-5.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)
Book ID: 52069
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