DEMONS WITHIN and Other Disturbing Tales.
Edition: First printing.
New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., (1977.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A rather uncommon anthology containing 14 short stories on the edge of the macabre, about "apparitions, ghosts, devils, unearthly beings" stories which ask the question "are these horrors real or careful nurtured delusions suffered by desperate people at the edge of sanity?". SIGNED by William Nolan at his story "The Small World of Lewis Stillman." Other authors include Bram Stoker, August Derleth, William Trevor, Jean Rhys, and more. Includes an introduction by Hoke to the book, and brief introductions to each story, 189 pp. ISBN: 0-8008-21564.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket. (Wraparound dust jacket design by Rus Anderson, author photograph by Gordon Parks.)