DIFFERING VISIONS: Dissenters in Mormon History.
Edition: First printing.
Chicago: University of Illinois Press, (1994.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the dustjacket: "Recognizing Mormonism's dissenting tradition, Differing Visions presents selections on nineteen Mormon dissenters - David Whitmer, Fawn Brodie, and Sonia Johnson among them - in a volume that focuses on the variety of religious sentiment within the church and assesses factors that have encouraged divergent ideas from the early 1800s on.Besides offering little-known information about the lives of those profiled, the collection shows that the dissenters generally were moved by conscience and questions of right and wrong in leaving Mormonism and that none of them ever fully shed the remnants of the institutionalized church. " Contributors include Richard N. Holzapfel, John S. McCormick, Richard P. Howard, Kenneth M. Godfrey, William D. Russell, Dan Vogel, Jessie L. Embry, Lawrence Foster and others. Other dissenters discussed are Joseph Cutler, the Doves of California, the Tanners, James Collin Brewster, Frank Cannon and more. Forward by Leonard J. Arrington, introduction by the editors, notes, index. 402 pp. ISBN: 0-252020693.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)