Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original, not issued in hardcover.
Colorada Springs, CO: Century Press (1986.). SIGNED first edition - The author's second book. Frances Weaver, a columnist and National Public Radio commentator, was widowed when she was in her mid-50s, with four grown children, Weaver quickly learned that to make the most out of her remaining years, she had to change her life dramatically - she moved back east, to the Adirondacks, from Colorado, returned to college, became a 'professional kite flyer' and began writing her upbeat columns. The advice she offers in these books is directed primarily to middle-class women who find themselves in a similar situation. Stating that "boredom is ninety-nine percent self-inflicted," she stresses the importance of making oneself, rather than family or married friends, the focus of future activities, and recommends education and travel as ways to develop new interests. Illustrations. 109 pp. ISBN: 0-9617930-15.
Condition: INSCRIBED on the title page 'For the Scruggs Girls.' Good in stiff illustrated covers (some dampstaining to back cover near spine, crinkling of pages.)