woman artist

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  • THE ART OF NELLIE MAE ROWE: Ninety-Nine and a Half Won't Do by [Rowe, Nellie Mae.1900-1982] Kogan, Lee
    [Rowe, Nellie Mae.1900-1982] Kogan, Lee
    THE ART OF NELLIE MAE ROWE: Ninety-Nine and a Half Won't Do

    Edition: First printing.

    New York / Jackson, Mississippi: Museum of American Folk Art in Association With University Press of Mississippi, (1998) dj. Hardcover first edition - Published in conjunction with the exhibition by the same name at the Museum of American Folk Art in 1999 and on tour in Atlanta and Dallas in 2000. This is the most substantial gathering of Rowe's work to date, with 84 full color reproductions of her work and many black and white photographs. which display the artist's extraordinary intuitive color sense and the vibrancy and variety of her work. The daughter of a former slave Rowe lived her entire life in rural Georgia. She used whatever materials were at hand. When painting and drawing on paper,…


    New York / Jackson, Mississippi: Museum of American Folk Art in Association With University Press of Mississippi, (1998) dj. Hardcover first edition - Published in conjunction with the exhibition by the same name at the Museum of American Folk Art in 1999 and on tour in Atlanta and Dallas in 2000. This is the most substantial gathering of Rowe's work to date, with 84 full color reproductions of her work and many black and white photographs. which display the artist's extraordinary intuitive color sense and the vibrancy and variety of her work. The daughter of a former slave Rowe lived her entire life in rural Georgia. She used whatever materials were at hand. When painting and drawing on paper, Styrofoam, cardboard, and wood, she favored plain and colored pencils, ink and felt tip pens, and gouache. Jewelry, lace, wigs, felt hats, and eye glasses enhanced her cloth dolls. .. . In these color-saturated works, there is an exuberant and idiosyncratic self-expression. Includes a foreword by Gerald Wertkin, an introduction by Kinshasha Holman Conwill and transcriptions of several interviews with Nellie Mae Rowe. Exhibition checklist and chronology. Large format. 112 pp. ISBN: 1578061326.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (appears unread.)

    Book ID: 63237
    View cart More details Price: $35.00