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  • Manfred, Frederick Feikema (1912-1994.)

    Edition: First printing.

    Denver: Allan Swallow, Publisher, (1961.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Three novellas, all set in Manfred's "Siouxland" (the area where the borders of Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska meet). In addition to the title story (described as 'a romance'), this contains "Lew and Luanne" (a comedy) and "Country Love" (a pastoral). As a "maverick" writer Manfred was always an outsider in terms of the literary establishment, although some of his books were best-sellers and his novel 'Lord Grizzly' was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1954. Reportedly only 500 copies of this book were printed. 220 pp.

    Condition: Good in very good dust jacket (the rather inexpensively produced binding has cracked before the title page and is "over-opened" at the end of the book, Dustjacket has a little toning to the spine, minor wear - still a quite presentable copy.

    Book ID: 32978
    View cart More details Price: $45.00