short story

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  • DON'T GO FISHING ON WITCHES' DAY: A New Armitage Family Story. by Aiken, Joan (1924-2004); introduction by Lizza Aiken.
    Aiken, Joan (1924-2004); introduction by Lizza Aiken.
    DON'T GO FISHING ON WITCHES' DAY: A New Armitage Family Story.

    Edition: Advance except, slim paperback.

    Easthampton, MA: Big Mouth Press, 2008. First edition - A promotional chapbook with the first appearance of a new Armitage family story, plus the introduction to the October 2008 Collection "The Serial Garden: The Complete Armitage Family Stories" by Joan Aiken's Daughter, Lizza Aiken. vii 15 pp.

    Condition: Fine in stapled illustrated gold wrappers printed in black. Uncommon.

    Book ID: 83393
    View cart More details Price: $19.50
  • THE LUNATIC'S TALE: Forever Single (from "Side Effects") by Allen, Woody.
    Allen, Woody.
    THE LUNATIC'S TALE: Forever Single (from "Side Effects")

    Edition: 2nd printing.

    Minneapolis: Redpath Press, (1986). The first separate publication of this short story originally published in 'Side Effects.' Illustrated by Etienne Delessert and designed by Rita Marshall. A slim booklet, 7 inches tall by 4 inches wide. 29 pp. Intended to be mailed to the recipient, it is extremely uncommon to find this in its original complete condition. This set includes the story booklet, the envelope, the priced insert for store displays and even the original plastic bag. ISBN: 1-55628-0017.

    Condition: Fine in wrappers with French flaps, fading to the edges of the envelope and a bit of dustiness to the plastic bag.

    Book ID: 81728
    Keywords: Ephemera, short story
    View cart More details Price: $17.50
  • THE EMERALD. by Barthelme, Donald.
    Barthelme, Donald.

    Edition: Limited, signed edition.

    Los Angeles: Sylvester & Orphanos, 1980. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Illustrated by the author. One of 4 copies signed by Barthelme with the printed name of the recipient - in this case "binder" out of a total edition of 330, including 300 numbered, 26 lettered/ Designed by Grant Dahlstrom and printed at the Castle Press. A lovely production. 40 pp plus colophon.

    Condition: Fine in black boards with metallic emerald green on the covers and spine, in a fine slipcase in black paper.

    Book ID: 35212
    View cart More details Price: $225.00
  • MURDER! (Travelman Short Stories, Crime No. 3) by Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931)
    Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931)
    MURDER! (Travelman Short Stories, Crime No. 3)

    Edition: First separate printing.

    London: Travelman Publishing, 1998. First edition - Short story of two men who meet in a seaside resort and murder follows. Issued in an unusual format - a single sheet folded to create 22 pages of text plus 2 pp of covers (like a road map) and designed to both fit in a pocket and be easily read. Cover illustration by Robyn Neald. ISBN: 1-860920128.

    Condition: Fine.

    Book ID: 85212
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • THE TOYNBEE CONVECTOR. by Bradbury, Ray.
    Bradbury, Ray.

    Edition: First printing.

    Atlanta: Turner, 1992. dj. Hardcover first edition - Wonderful full-color illustrations by Anita Kunz, including some double page spreads - the story was originally written by Bradbury in 1983. Tall format, 30 pp. ISBN: 1-878685-155.

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated boards (no dust jacket, as issued, a new copy.)

    Book ID: 3760
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • A FINE SET OF TEETH. by Burke, Jan.
    Burke, Jan.

    Edition: Limited, signed edition.

    [Royal Oak, Michigan]: A.S.A.P. Publishing, 1997. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The first short story featuring Irene and Frank Kelly. Illustrated with a tipped in black-and-white plate by Phil Parks, and a tipped in color photograph of author (both with tissue guards). Introduction by Michael Connelly. Afterword by Jan Burke. No. 121 of 200 copies signed by Jan Burke, Tim Burke, Michael Connelly and Phil Parks (of a total edition of 236) 34 pp.. Musical notation endpapers.

    Condition: Fine in printed yellow silk moire covers with an inlaid illustration by Parks on the front cover, red gilt titling.

    Book ID: 68972
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • THE FLASHLIGHT. by Cleaver, Eldridge.
    Cleaver, Eldridge.

    Edition: First thus.

    Frankfurt, Germany: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg (1977). First edition - A short story by this Black Panther leader and activist which was originally published in 1969 in Playboy Magazine. The story of a gang leader in Southern California who steals a powerful flashlight from a car and relishes the sense of power it gives him - although he also feels it is the beginning of a new direction in his life. This separate publication is a small pamphlet with the text in English, a title in the Diesterwegs Neusprachliche Bibliothek. Includes an introduction and annotations. "File copy, Joan Daves" stamped on front cover and title page. An interesting association copy with "File copy, Joan Daves" stamped on front cover and…


    Frankfurt, Germany: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg (1977). First edition - A short story by this Black Panther leader and activist which was originally published in 1969 in Playboy Magazine. The story of a gang leader in Southern California who steals a powerful flashlight from a car and relishes the sense of power it gives him - although he also feels it is the beginning of a new direction in his life. This separate publication is a small pamphlet with the text in English, a title in the Diesterwegs Neusprachliche Bibliothek. Includes an introduction and annotations. "File copy, Joan Daves" stamped on front cover and title page. An interesting association copy with "File copy, Joan Daves" stamped on front cover and title page. Joan Daves (1919-1997) who escaped from the Nazi regime in the 1930s, later became an editor at Harper and was perhaps best known as Martin Luther King's literary agent. 65 pp. Ê


    Condition: Very near fine in a blue stapled wrappers with a photograph of Cleaver on the front cover.

    Book ID: 75544
    View cart More details Price: $60.00
  • Dorris, Michael.
    THE BENCHMARK. From the Collection 'WORKING MEN'.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Henry Holt, (1993.). Hardcover first edition - An advance publication of one of the stories from the collection "Working Men, "bound in cream linen cloth - an unusually attractive pre-publication issue, designed by Lucy Albanese and printed and bound by The Book Press of Brattleboro, Vermont. 20 pp.

    Condition: Fine condition.

    Book ID: 35483
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • THE APPLE TREE. by Galsworthy, John (1867-1933)
    Galsworthy, John (1867-1933)

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934. dj. Hardcover first edition - The first separate book publication of Galsworthy's most famous short story, originally written in 1916, and presented here in a lovely production designed by T. M. Cleland and printed at the Scribner Press, New York, in November, 1934. Illustrated title page and decorative endpapers. Bound in green cloth with a white title label on front cover, black cloth spine with gilt lettering. 91 pp. plus colophon.

    Condition: Near fine with a bit of wear to the ends of the spine in a very good example of the unusual dust jacket, which is clear acetate but with green paper flaps (text on front flap, rear flap plain green paper)

    Book ID: 85392
    View cart More details Price: $60.00
  • MERCURY (ATLANTA 1985) by Kiernan, Caitlin R.
    Kiernan, Caitlin R.

    Edition: Limited, signed first edition.

    Burton, Michigan Subterranean Press, (2004). SIGNED first edition - A short story featuring Deacon Silvey, one of 400 copies individually numbered and SIGNED by Kiernan. Author's note. 28 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated black stapled wrappers.

    Book ID: 86424
    View cart More details Price: $60.00
  • AMERICAN DREAMERS. by Parker, T. Jefferson; C. J. Box, Introduction; Brian M. Wiprud, afterword; and Phil Parks, illustrations.
    Parker, T. Jefferson; C. J. Box, Introduction; Brian M. Wiprud, afterword; and Phil Parks, illustrations.

    Edition: Limited, signed first edition.

    Clarkson, MI and Mission Viejo, CA; A.S.A.P. Publishing, (2013). SIGNED hardcover first edition - One of 26 lettered, Limited Collectors copies of the first edition. This is letter A of 26 such copies bound in tan simulated leather boards with an illustration pasted on the front cover and housed in a wood-grained acryclic slip case. paper covering. A short story about a Diego bookstore owner whose business is failing. In desperation he takes a job from a distant relative that involves driving an 18-wheeler delivering shrimp to New Jersey. Frozen shrimp one way and lobster back - and millions of dollars worth of cocaine. As the body count grows, Griswold's luck holds. Includes an introduction by C. J. Box…


    Clarkson, MI and Mission Viejo, CA; A.S.A.P. Publishing, (2013). SIGNED hardcover first edition - One of 26 lettered, Limited Collectors copies of the first edition. This is letter A of 26 such copies bound in tan simulated leather boards with an illustration pasted on the front cover and housed in a wood-grained acryclic slip case. paper covering. A short story about a Diego bookstore owner whose business is failing. In desperation he takes a job from a distant relative that involves driving an 18-wheeler delivering shrimp to New Jersey. Frozen shrimp one way and lobster back - and millions of dollars worth of cocaine. As the body count grows, Griswold's luck holds. Includes an introduction by C. J. Box and an afterword by mystery writer Brian M. Wiprud. Illustrations by Phil Parks. SIGNED by all FOUR contributors on the limitation page. The three authors are all fisherman and in addition to the illustrations by Parks, there are tipped-in color photos which show them with various catches. Total edition limited to 150 copies with 26 Collectors copies and 10 PC copies. 32 pp. ISBN: 978-1892011589.


    Condition: Fine in a fine slipcase..

    Book ID: 83721
    View cart More details Price: $115.00
  • AMERICAN DREAMERS. by Parker, T. Jefferson; C. J. Box, Introduction; Brian M. Wiprud, afterword; and Phil Parks, illustrations.
    Parker, T. Jefferson; C. J. Box, Introduction; Brian M. Wiprud, afterword; and Phil Parks, illustrations.

    Edition: Limited, signed first edition.

    Clarkson, MI and Mission Viejo, CA; A.S.A.P. Publishing, (2013). SIGNED hardcover first edition - Number 85 of 150 limited edition copies of the first edition. A short story about a Diego bookstore owner whose business is failing. In desperation he takes a job from a distant relative that involves driving an 18-wheeler delivering shrimp to New Jersey. Frozen shrimp one way and lobster back - and millions of dollars worth of cocaine. As the body count grows, Griswold's luck holds. Includes an introduction by C. J. Box and an afterword by mystery writer Brian M. Wiprud. Illustrations by Phil Parks. SIGNED by all FOUR contributors on the limitation page. The three authors are all fisherman and in addition to…


    Clarkson, MI and Mission Viejo, CA; A.S.A.P. Publishing, (2013). SIGNED hardcover first edition - Number 85 of 150 limited edition copies of the first edition. A short story about a Diego bookstore owner whose business is failing. In desperation he takes a job from a distant relative that involves driving an 18-wheeler delivering shrimp to New Jersey. Frozen shrimp one way and lobster back - and millions of dollars worth of cocaine. As the body count grows, Griswold's luck holds. Includes an introduction by C. J. Box and an afterword by mystery writer Brian M. Wiprud. Illustrations by Phil Parks. SIGNED by all FOUR contributors on the limitation page. The three authors are all fisherman and in addition to the illustrations by Parks, there are tipped-in color photos which show them with various catches. Total edition limited to 150 copies with 26 Collectors copies and 10 PC copies. 32 pp. ISBN: 978-1892011572.


    Condition: Fine in tan simulated leather boards with an illustration pasted on the front cover

    Book ID: 83722
    View cart More details Price: $65.00
  • CANDLES ON THE POND. by Sloca, Sue Ellen.
    Sloca, Sue Ellen.

    Edition: First printing.

    Eugene, OR: Pulphouse Publishing, (1992). SIGNED hardcover first edition - Short Story Hardback #39, SIGNED on the title page. One of 100 copies, signed by the author. While this appears to the author's only published story, it was included in Datlow's Year's Best Fantasy and Horror (6th collection), 1993. 44 pp. plus colophon.

    Condition: As new in burgundy leatherette binding.

    Book ID: 79621
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • ADDRESS UNKNOWN. by Taylor (Kathrine), Kressmann (1903-1996)
    Taylor (Kathrine), Kressmann (1903-1996)

    Edition: 5th printing of original edition.

    New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. Hardcover - Foreword by Whit Burnett,the editor of Story Magazine, who describes this as the most popular story ever published in the then 8 year old history of that magazine. It is a story written as a series of letters, from November 1932 to March 1934, between a Jewish art dealer, living in San Francisco, and his business partner, who had returned with his family to Germany in 1932. This, the first separate edition, reportedly sold 50,000 copies, it was translated into many languages, although the edition in German was published in Moscow and banned in Germany, and the basis for a 1944 film of the same name. A 1995 re-issue was translated…


    New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. Hardcover - Foreword by Whit Burnett,the editor of Story Magazine, who describes this as the most popular story ever published in the then 8 year old history of that magazine. It is a story written as a series of letters, from November 1932 to March 1934, between a Jewish art dealer, living in San Francisco, and his business partner, who had returned with his family to Germany in 1932. This, the first separate edition, reportedly sold 50,000 copies, it was translated into many languages, although the edition in German was published in Moscow and banned in Germany, and the basis for a 1944 film of the same name. A 1995 re-issue was translated into 20 languages and sold millions of copies. A 2019 review in The Guardian comments that this story, "distils the essence of the ideology that cast a deathly shadow over the 20th century. Across a few economic pages it touches the heart of the Nazi darkness. . . it illuminates not just the specific texture of the early Nazi period, but something more timeless. It serves as a guide to the way any politics of identity especially one that invokes the people, rooting that idea in blood and soil eventually, and often very rapidly, divides and polarises. Max and Martin [had found] 'warmth and understanding, where small selfishnesses are impossible and where wine and books and talk give a different meaning to existence'. But even the very best of friends can be rent apart. . . We tell ourselves, as these characters do, that friendship is eternal, that some bonds will never be broken. This short story warns us that ideology, once it has turned to fever, is stronger than friendship.. That this short, fleeting story has lasted so long is not only because of its artistic achievement, and not only because, written in 1938, it astonishingly anticipated the horror that was yet to come. It is because its prescience is not confined to its time. It saw into our own future too." An appealing small volume, uncommon in all printings of the original edition. Unpaginated (61 pp)


    Condition: Very good in beige boards with red text and white envelope embossed on front cover. Black spine with white lettering (previous owner's name on front endpaper, some offsetting from newsprint, affecting the front endpapers and 2 interior pages, but otherwise clean and tight)

    Book ID: 88728
    View cart More details Price: $75.00
  • STORY [Magazine] Summer 1996 by (Woodson, Jacqueline, signed; Davenport, Kiana; Sheilds, Carol et al) Rosenthal, Lois, editor.
    (Woodson, Jacqueline, signed; Davenport, Kiana; Sheilds, Carol et al) Rosenthal, Lois, editor.
    STORY [Magazine] Summer 1996

    Edition: First appearance in print of these works.

    Cincinnati: F & W Publications, 1996. SIGNED first edition - In addition to the authors listed above this issue includes works by Andrea Barrett, Peter Christopher, Elizabeth Graver, the first published story by Jeff Maehre and more. We specialize in literary journals, and have many others - including many not yet catalogued and listed on line. SIGNED by Jacqueline Woodson at her story "Fire." Notes on contributors. 123 pp plus ads.

    Condition: Very good in stiff wrappers (a little creasing to the covers.)

    Book ID: 56542
    View cart More details Price: $20.00