
  • Keyword = san francisco renaissance
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  • SPECIAL DELIVERIES: New & Selected Poems. by Broughton, James (1913-1999.)
    Broughton, James (1913-1999.)
    SPECIAL DELIVERIES: New & Selected Poems.

    Edition: First printing, a large trade paperback, not issued in hardcover.

    Seattle: Broken Moon Press, (1990.). SIGNED first edition - Presentation copy warmly INSCRIBED on the half title page "For --- who was present at the beginning of these songs - in memory of all the years of merriment and love. James" and dated in the year of publication. Introduction by Jack Foley. Edited by Mark Thompson. xxviii, 239 a list of works by Broughton. ISBN: 0-913089-095.

    Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 51559
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • THE WATER CIRCLE: A Poem of Celebration. by Broughton, James (1913-1999.)
    Broughton, James (1913-1999.)
    THE WATER CIRCLE: A Poem of Celebration.

    Edition: First printing.

    San Francisco: Pterodactyl Press, (1965.). SIGNED first edition - Uncommon first appearance of this single poem, issued as Pterodactyl Press Chap Book No. 1. INSCRIBED on the title page "For -- with joy" and signed "James." 5 pp.

    Condition: Very good in stapled red wrappers (some spotting to the covers, contents fine.)

    Book ID: 51560
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • THE ANGEL HAIR ANTHOLOGY: Angel Hair Sleeps with a Boy in My Head. by Waldman, Anne and Lewis Warsh, editors.
    Waldman, Anne and Lewis Warsh, editors.
    THE ANGEL HAIR ANTHOLOGY: Angel Hair Sleeps with a Boy in My Head.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Granary Books, (2001.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Between 1966 and 1969, in New York's Lower East Side, Waldman and Warsh published a little mag called "Angel Hair" (the title came from a poem by Jonathan Cott.) and they continued through 1978 publishing books and broadsides from this small press. The poets they published came out of the New York school, the beats, Black Mountain and San Francisco Renaissance. This anthology includes works from Ted Berrigan, Robert Duncan, Tom Greenwald, Barbara Guest, Joanne Kyger, Lorenzo Thomas, Hannah Weiner, John Wieners, Lewis Warsh, Robert Creeley, Tom Clark, Alice Notley, Joe Brainard, Clark Coolidge, Kenward Elmslie, Bernadette Mayer, Emilie Clark, Lyn Hejinian, Gerald Malanga, Frank O'Hara and many…


    New York: Granary Books, (2001.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Between 1966 and 1969, in New York's Lower East Side, Waldman and Warsh published a little mag called "Angel Hair" (the title came from a poem by Jonathan Cott.) and they continued through 1978 publishing books and broadsides from this small press. The poets they published came out of the New York school, the beats, Black Mountain and San Francisco Renaissance. This anthology includes works from Ted Berrigan, Robert Duncan, Tom Greenwald, Barbara Guest, Joanne Kyger, Lorenzo Thomas, Hannah Weiner, John Wieners, Lewis Warsh, Robert Creeley, Tom Clark, Alice Notley, Joe Brainard, Clark Coolidge, Kenward Elmslie, Bernadette Mayer, Emilie Clark, Lyn Hejinian, Gerald Malanga, Frank O'Hara and many others. This copy is INSCRIBED on the title page by both Anne Waldman and Lewis Warsh and dated 3//02. Introduction by the editors, "Angel Hair Memoirs" by many of the poets, list of Angel Hair publications compiled by Steve Clay and Aaron Fischer. Illustrated with photographs. xxvii, 617 pp plus index. ISBN: 1887123490.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket. Uncommon and especially so in hardcover and signed.

    Book ID: 57647
    View cart More details Price: $250.00