sally hemings

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  • LEAP YEAR. by Erickson, Steve.
    Erickson, Steve.

    Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Poseidon Press, (1989.). First edition - A Political Journey. In 1988, Erickson follows the presidential campaign across the country by train and car in 1988, a trip in which he is joined by "a deathless wanderer named Sally Hemings, who at the age of fifteen in Paris in 1789 chose to remain the slave of Thomas Jefferson, and thus changed the meaning and consequence of America forever." 192 pp.

    Condition: Very good in printed light blue wrappers. (creasing to lower corner, some toning to the pages) A rather uncommon advance issue.

    Book ID: 60975
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • LEAP YEAR. by Erickson, Steve.
    Erickson, Steve.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Poseidon Press, (1989.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A Political Journey. In 1988, Erickson follows the presidential campaign across the country by train and car in 1988, a trip in which he is joined by "a deathless wanderer named Sally Hemings, who at the age of fifteen in Paris in 1789 chose to remain the slave of Thomas Jefferson, and thus changed the meaning and consequence of America forever." SIGNED on the title page. 192 pp. ISBN: 0-671-671340.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 66068
    View cart More details Price: $50.00
  • JEFFERSON'S CHILDREN: The Story of One American Family. by Lanier, Shannon and Jane Feldman; Introduction by Lucian K. Truscott IV
    Lanier, Shannon and Jane Feldman; Introduction by Lucian K. Truscott IV
    JEFFERSON'S CHILDREN: The Story of One American Family.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Random House, (2000) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A journey across the country by Shannon Lanier, a descendent of Jefferson, and photographer Jane Feldmen, to meet the rest of his family, the descendants - both black and white - of Thomas Jefferson -and in some cases, of Sally Hemings. INSCRIBED on the half title page by the author, Shannon Lanier, and dated in the year of publication. Illustrated throughout with photographs in both color and black and white. Introduction by Lucian K. Truscott IV. Index. Large square format. 144 pp. ISBN: 0-375-805974.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 83154
    View cart More details Price: $40.00