narrow-gauge railway

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  • Barrie, J. J. ; Blashill, Charles H.; Brumley, Laurie Milne and others.
    SAAMIS REVIEW, Volume 3, Winter 1978.

    Edition: First appearance in print of these works.

    Alberta, Canada: 1978. The Saamis Review is an interdisclipinary journal of the arts, humanities and social sciences, but this entire issue is devoted to the local history and pre-history of south eastern Alberta. Included are articles on the one of the region's early railways, the 'turkey-Trail' railway, reminiscences of a ranch-hand and farmer in the early years of the 20th century, another on rural schools, the growth of the German population, etc. Illustrated with photographs. 118 pgs.

    Condition: Near fine in stiff illustrated wrappers

    Book ID: 15662
    View cart More details Price: $25.00