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  • TRANSIENT POET: William Allan Retrospective. by Allan, William; Kenneth Baker and Janice Driesbach
    Allan, William; Kenneth Baker and Janice Driesbach
    TRANSIENT POET: William Allan Retrospective.

    Edition: First printing in wrappers. No hardcover edition.

    Sacramento, California: Crocker Art Museum, (1994.). First edition - Exhibition catalog, January 14 - March 6, 1994. Includes a long essay by the artist himself as well as essays by exhibit curator Janice Driesbach, focusing on the evolution of his work and by Kenneth Baker on "Painting against the Current." Illustrated with 32 full-page full color plates of his works from the early, more clearly narrative, paintings as well as his later studies of fish. 60 pp, printed on heavy gloss stock, measures 9 3/4" square.

    Condition: Near fine (bookplate inside front cover.)

    Book ID: 44667
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • TRANSIENT POET: William Allan Retrospective. by Allan, William; Kenneth Baker and Janice Driesbach
    Allan, William; Kenneth Baker and Janice Driesbach
    TRANSIENT POET: William Allan Retrospective.

    Edition: First printing in wrappers. No hardcover edition.

    Sacramento, California: Crocker Art Museum, (1994.). SIGNED first edition - Exhibition catalog, January 14 - March 6, 1994. Includes a long essay by the artist himself as well as essays by exhibit curator Janice Driesbach, focusing on the evolution of his work and by Kenneth Baker on "Painting against the Current." Illustrated with 32 full-page full color plates of his works from the early, more clearly narrative, paintings as well as his later studies of fish. SIGNED by the artist William M. Allan inside the front over. 60 pp, printed on heavy gloss stock, measures 9 3/4" square.

    Condition: Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 68505
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • LILLIAN BASSMAN: Photographs. by Bassman, Lillian, photographs; Harrison, Martin, essay; Chermayeff, Catherine; Kathy McCarver Mnuchin and Nan Richardson, editors.
    Bassman, Lillian, photographs; Harrison, Martin, essay; Chermayeff, Catherine; Kathy McCarver Mnuchin and Nan Richardson, editors.
    LILLIAN BASSMAN: Photographs.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York & Boston: Bulfinch Press / Little Brown, (1997) dj. Hardcover first edition - This first monograph devoted to this legendary post World War II photographer. It "presents the romantic, experimental visions, seen mostly in Harper's Bazaar, that brought a sophisticated new aesthetic to print photography." From the 1940s to the 1960s Bassman was at fashion's cutting edge, working with young photographers like Richard Avedon, Robert Frank, and Russian emigre and Modernist Alexey Brodovitch. However by the 1970s she had become disenchanted with fashion photography, and jettisoned forty years of work - but more than 20 years later, a forgotten bag was found and her work was shown in a retrospective exhibit. Includes an essay by Martin Harrison,…


    New York & Boston: Bulfinch Press / Little Brown, (1997) dj. Hardcover first edition - This first monograph devoted to this legendary post World War II photographer. It "presents the romantic, experimental visions, seen mostly in Harper's Bazaar, that brought a sophisticated new aesthetic to print photography." From the 1940s to the 1960s Bassman was at fashion's cutting edge, working with young photographers like Richard Avedon, Robert Frank, and Russian emigre and Modernist Alexey Brodovitch. However by the 1970s she had become disenchanted with fashion photography, and jettisoned forty years of work - but more than 20 years later, a forgotten bag was found and her work was shown in a retrospective exhibit. Includes an essay by Martin Harrison, a chronology, bibliography and a list of the 72 plates (some of which were 'reinterpreted' by Bassman in 1994). Large quarto. ISBN: 0-821223763.


    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket (remainder line)

    Book ID: 91128
    View cart More details Price: $50.00
    Belin, Peter.

    Edition: First printing.

    Washington, D.C.: Highland House, (1978.) dj. Hardcover first edition - A rather quirky monograph covering years of the history of watches and timepieces, and the craft and art of the the watchmaker, from the early days of the mechanical escapement in 1550 to 1950, Beautifully illustrating with many full color and black and white photographs by im Waring. Large format, printed on heavy stock throughout. xi, 60 pp. ISBN: 0-918712-06-8.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 43898
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • NEROCCIO DE'LANDI 1447-1500. by Coor, Gertrude.
    Coor, Gertrude.
    NEROCCIO DE'LANDI 1447-1500.

    Edition: First edition.

    Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1961. dj. Hardcover first edition - The first significant monograph on this fiftheenth century Sienese painter and sculptor's work, which had been neglected by most art historians "because this art is not strikingly original and is quite restricted iconographically, the majority of the works being representations of the Madonna and Child" but later discoveries and the cleaning and restoration of some of his works led to an increased interest in them. Quarto, bound in full navy buckram blocked in black on the spine with gilt titling. Frontispiece. xviii, 235 pp plus a 56 page section with 146 black and white plates of his works.

    Condition: Fine in very good dust jacket (price-clipped, some sunning to the dj)

    Book ID: 80028
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • DOSTOYEVSKY, DREAMER AND PROPHET. by [Dostoyevsky, Fyodor] Gunn, Judith.
    [Dostoyevsky, Fyodor] Gunn, Judith.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    Oxford: Lion Publishing, (1990). First edition - A study which "explores Dostoyevsky's rich inner life, full of fascinating contradictions that give his work tension and dynamism." Notes at end of each chapter, bibliography, index. 175 pp. ISBN: 0-745915752.

    Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 86900
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • FACE TO FACE: M. W. Hopkins & Noah North. by [Hopkins, M. W. and Noah North] Oak, Jacquelyn; Grant Romer, Mary Black, David Tatham, and William Siles.
    [Hopkins, M. W. and Noah North] Oak, Jacquelyn; Grant Romer, Mary Black, David Tatham, and William Siles.
    FACE TO FACE: M. W. Hopkins & Noah North.

    Edition: First printing, a large trade paperback.

    Lexington, MA: Museum of Our National Heritage, 1989. First edition - Monograph on these two nineteenth century upstate New York portrait painters, issued in conjuction with an exhibition of their work. As mention in the introduction by Barbara Franco, this represents the culmination of 13 years of research and its publication comes at a time when there is increasing debate about the definition and significance of folk art. In addition to many plates - including 8 in full color - of the works of these two "naive" or primitive artists, there is much information on their lives and that of their sitters by Jacqueline Oak. Also includes essays on 'The Genesee Country, 1790-1860' by William H. SIles, on 'Artisan…


    Lexington, MA: Museum of Our National Heritage, 1989. First edition - Monograph on these two nineteenth century upstate New York portrait painters, issued in conjuction with an exhibition of their work. As mention in the introduction by Barbara Franco, this represents the culmination of 13 years of research and its publication comes at a time when there is increasing debate about the definition and significance of folk art. In addition to many plates - including 8 in full color - of the works of these two "naive" or primitive artists, there is much information on their lives and that of their sitters by Jacqueline Oak. Also includes essays on 'The Genesee Country, 1790-1860' by William H. SIles, on 'Artisan Painting in America' by Mary Black, on 'The Daguerrotype as a Portrait Medium' by Grant Romer and more, 124 pp. ISBN: 0-962110779.


    Condition: Near fine in stiff illustrated covers (upper corner slightly bumped)

    Book ID: 45364
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • ARROW RELEASE DISTRIBUTIONS: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 23. Number 4. by Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred L. 1876-1960)
    Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred L. 1876-1960)
    ARROW RELEASE DISTRIBUTIONS: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 23. Number 4.

    Edition: First printing.

    Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1927. First edition - A monograph by this noted and early anthropologist, of interest because of the information it includes on the pull used by the Yahi of Northern California, information learned from Ishi, the last of his tribe, who spent the last 5 years of his life living at the Museum of Anthropology at UC San Francisco. Pages 283-296

    Condition: Fine in gray stapled wrappers. Uncommon.

    Book ID: 76372
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • TOBACCO AND ITS USE IN ASIA (Anthropology Leaflet No. 28) by Laufer, Berthold.
    Laufer, Berthold.
    TOBACCO AND ITS USE IN ASIA (Anthropology Leaflet No. 28)

    Edition: First printing.

    Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1924. First edition - One of a series of leaflets designed to give brief non-technical accounts of the beliefs, habits and customs of various races. This includes information on pipes, tobacco, opium, Tibetan snuff-bottles, tobacco-chewing in Asia, water-pipe in China, India & Persia, Philippines & Formosan tobacco-pipes, the distribution of cigar and cigarette in Asia, etc. Illustrated with 10 plates in photogravure. Bibliography. 39 pp..

    Condition: Near fine in stapled tan wrappers (some wear to the yapped edges, contents fine)

    Book ID: 83401
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • BEAST IN THE MIRROR: the Life of Outsider Artist Antonio Ligabue by [Ligabue, Antonio] Jones, Karen Kavelin.
    [Ligabue, Antonio] Jones, Karen Kavelin.
    BEAST IN THE MIRROR: the Life of Outsider Artist Antonio Ligabue

    Edition: First printing.

    Santa Barbara: Capra Press, (1997.) dj. Hardcover first edition - The first work about Liguabue (1899-1965) to appear in English. The reclusive artist, an outsider in every way, spent most of his life in a hut beside the Po River in Italy. Illustrated in both color and black and white. 136 pp. ISBN: 0-88496-4248.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 9347
    View cart More details Price: $21.50
  • [Maybeck, Bernard] Cardwell, Kenneth
    BERNARD MAYBECK: Artisan, Architect, Artist.

    Edition: 2nd printing, a large square paperback.

    Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, (1983.). A study of the influential San Francisco Bay Area architect Maybeck by his friend Kenneth Cardwell. Maybeck designed numerous homes (including the shingled houses in Berkeley), the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, buildings on the U.C. Berkeley campus, and much more Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs, plans and elevations. Includes a Chronology of Executed Works & Projects & Bibliography. Bibliography; Index. 255 pp. ISBN: 0-87905-1485.

    Condition: Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 57587
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • BERNARD MAYBECK: Artisan, Architect, Artist. by [Maybeck, Bernard] Cardwell, Kenneth
    [Maybeck, Bernard] Cardwell, Kenneth
    BERNARD MAYBECK: Artisan, Architect, Artist.

    Edition: First printing, a large square paperback.

    Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, (1983.). First edition - A study of the influential San Francisco Bay Area architect Maybeck by his friend Kenneth Cardwell. Maybeck designed numerous homes (including the shingled houses in Berkeley), the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, buildings on the U.C. Berkeley campus, and much more Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs, plans and elevations. Includes a Chronology of Executed Works & Projects & Bibliography. Bibliography; Index. 255 pp. ISBN: 0-87905-1485.

    Condition: Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 57588
    View cart More details Price: $21.50
  • ROLAND OUDOT. by [Oudot, Roland] Vouga, Daniel
    [Oudot, Roland] Vouga, Daniel

    Edition: Hardcover.

    New York: Crown, n.d. (ca 1970) dj. Hardcover - Monograph translated from the French by L.G. Rofe & A.P.H. Hamilton. Illustrated throughout with numerous full color reproductions of his works, plus many black and white sketches. Biographical chronology and bibliography. 93 pp. plus list of illustrations. Large format.

    Condition: Very good in red cloth, no dust jacket (prev owner's name)

    Book ID: 57909
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
    Schull, William J. and James V. Neel.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: Harper & Row, (1965.) dj. Hardcover first edition - "A highly technical monograph on the extent of mortality and morbidity among children resulting from consanguineous marriage in Japan." Chapters include Statistical Methods; The Comparability of the Consanguinity Groups; Inbreeding & Mortality in the Japanese; Medical Histories; Physical Disease; Anthropometries; Radiological Studies of Growth & Development; Dental Characteristics; Laboratory Studies; Neuromuscular & Mental Status; School Data; The 'Average' Child of Inbreeding; The Interpretation of the Effects of Inbreeding; Appendices. Includes charts & tables.Quarto. xii, 419 pp.

    Condition: Near fine in a good dust jacket (some short closed tears, crease on spine of dj).

    Book ID: 56866
    View cart More details Price: $35.00