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  • Beddome, Samuel Archdale (1791-1874) and Getty Research Institute.
    METAMOPHOSIS GAME: An Eighteenth Century Game of Changing Identities.

    Edition: First printing.

    Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Musuem, (2001). First edition - A game inspired by the Samuel Beddome original included in the exhibition "Devices of Wonder" at the Getty Museum from November 13, 2001 to February, 2002. This includes 12 paper overlays and 4 blank ones to create your own costumed portrait in a folder with a generic portrait on the front cover.

    Condition: Fine (a new copy, still in original clear envelope.)

    Book ID: 80265
    Keywords: art, Ephemera, exhibition, games
    View cart More details Price: $23.50
  • Dale, Rodney.

    Edition: First US printing.

    New York: Oxford University Press, (1992.). First edition - A book for older children - or even adults - which explores the changing fashions in recreation - from traditional ones like board games and puzzles to temporarily fashionable ones like magic lanterns, tropes and scopes, autophone, etc - and to enduring ones like photography and phonographs. Also includes a chapter on mechanical applications, like player pianos and on mechanical toys. Slightly oversized format, profusely illustrated with black and white photographs and drawings. A title in the Discoveries and Inventions series. Bibliography, index. 64 pages. ISBN: 0-195210018.

    Condition: Fine (a new copy) in glossy illustrated boards.

    Book ID: 31912
    View cart More details Price: $15.00