
  • Keyword = futurist
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  • KILLING TIME. by Carr, Caleb.
    Carr, Caleb.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Random House, (2000.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Intriguing novel set in the near future, slightly reminiscent of Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea , but focusing on how the choices made now will affect the future. You might never feel quite the same about the internet after you read this.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 74757
    View cart More details Price: $17.50
  • THE BIG RATCHET: How Humanity Thrives in the Face of Natural Crisis: A Biography of an Ingenious Species. by DeFries, Ruth
    DeFries, Ruth
    THE BIG RATCHET: How Humanity Thrives in the Face of Natural Crisis: A Biography of an Ingenious Species.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Basic Books / Perseus, (2014). Hardcover first edition - A provocative look at the forces that have enabled man to move from being just another mammal to the dominant force on earth by this MacArthur award winning environmental biologist. The change has been rapid - "In 1950, there were 2.5 billion of us, only 30 percent of which lived in cities. Today there are nearly 7 billion of us, and more than 50 percent of us live in cities. By 2050, there will be 9 billion humans, with 70 percent of us in cities... Yet humanity's footprint on the planet has expanded exponentially in the last century. Each manipulation of nature increased the amount of food our…


    New York: Basic Books / Perseus, (2014). Hardcover first edition - A provocative look at the forces that have enabled man to move from being just another mammal to the dominant force on earth by this MacArthur award winning environmental biologist. The change has been rapid - "In 1950, there were 2.5 billion of us, only 30 percent of which lived in cities. Today there are nearly 7 billion of us, and more than 50 percent of us live in cities. By 2050, there will be 9 billion humans, with 70 percent of us in cities... Yet humanity's footprint on the planet has expanded exponentially in the last century. Each manipulation of nature increased the amount of food our species could produce. The result is the Big Ratchet of the twentieth century, and today's explosion of mouths to feed, meat-laden diets, overcrowded cities, and the irony of overweight populations with too much food in some countries, while others starve." Illustrated with small drawings and graphs. Notes, references, index. xii, 273 pp. ISBN: 978-0465044979.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 72719
    View cart More details Price: $21.50
  • BEING DIGITAL. by Negroponte, Nicholas.
    Negroponte, Nicholas.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - "Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living." Thus writes the author in the introduction to this visionary new book. Bits, the DNA of information, are rapidly replacing atoms as the basic commodity of human interaction. And this change is "irreversible and unstoppable." Now, many years later, we are living in the midst of this revolution that Negroponte, MIT Professor, futurist, inventor, founder of the "One Laptop per Child" foundation. both predicted and explained in a book written for everyone. INSCRIBED on the front endpaper to noted Oklahoma collector Larry Owens, "with best regards. Always be optimistic" and dated in 1996. Uncommon thus. Index, 243 pp. Dust jacket design by Chip Kidd. ISBN: 0-679-439196.

    Condition: Fine in glossy printed boards in a very near fine printed acetate dust jacket.

    Book ID: 60893
    View cart More details Price: $100.00