exhiibition catalogue

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  • THE WAY HOME: Ending Homelessness in America. by Cobb, Jodi; Annie Leibowitz, Eli Reed, Clarence Williams, and others, photographs; Tipper Gore, foreword; Philip Brookman and Jane Slate Siena, curators.
    Cobb, Jodi; Annie Leibowitz, Eli Reed, Clarence Williams, and others, photographs; Tipper Gore, foreword; Philip Brookman and Jane Slate Siena, curators.
    THE WAY HOME: Ending Homelessness in America.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York and Washington, D.C.: Harry N. Abrams / Corcoran Gallery of Art ( (1999.) dj. Hardcover first edition - A book which powerfully and graphically documents the plight of men women and children in cities and towns across the country and points the way to lasting solutions. Illustrated with many full color and black & white photographs, many full page, by Eli Reed, Jodi Cobb, Mary Ellen Mark, Clarence Williams, Tipper Gore, Betsy Frampton, Donna Ferrato, Joseph Rodriguez, Callie Shell, Stephen Shames, Annie Leibovitz, and Diana Walker. Produced in conjunction with exhibits at the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, D.C. and the Getty in Los Angeles. Forword by Tipper Gore, essay by Nan Roman. Large format. 152 pp. ISBN: 0-8109-45533.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 57903
    View cart More details Price: $28.50