- Keyword = eagle doctor
SANAPIA: Comanche Medicine Woman.
Edition: Trade paperback.
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press (1984). An intimate portrait of the last surviving Comanche Eagle doctor based on field research for a 3 year period beginning in 1967. Jones was not only an intimate observer, he was adopted by Sanapia as her son. Among other things, he talks about her treatment of 'ghost sickness' and how she was able to adapt to 3 different religious systems - the Christianity of her father, the peyotism of her uncle and grandfather and the Plains Indians pattern of vision quests as represented by her mother, also an Eagle Doctor. Map frontispiece. Photographs. References, recommended reading. xvii, 107 pp. ISBN: 0-88133041.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
Book ID: 80174More details Price: $15.00