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  • CIVIL ENGINEERING TODAY. by Cressy, Edward.
    Cressy, Edward.

    Edition: First edition.

    London: Oxford University Press, (1938). Hardcover first edition - A look at bridge building, tunnels, hydroelectric projects, dams and more. Illustrated with a frontispiece, 22 glossy plates and numerous drawings and maps. A title in the Pageant of Progress series, 158 pp.

    Condition: Very good (previous owner's name, a few penciled marginal notations at end of book), no dust jacket.

    Book ID: 73051
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • BETWEEN NATURE AND CULTURE. Photographs of the Getty Center by Joe Deal. by Deal, Joe; Mark Johnstone, Richard Meier, and Weston Naef.
    Deal, Joe; Mark Johnstone, Richard Meier, and Weston Naef.
    BETWEEN NATURE AND CULTURE. Photographs of the Getty Center by Joe Deal.

    Edition: First edition.

    Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum, (1999) dj. Hardcover first edition - Preface by the architect Richard Meier. A visual record of the site of the museum before it was built, and of the excavation and construction of the Getty Museum between 1984 and 1997. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs. A striking book in a slightly oversized square format. 126 pp. ISBN: 0-892365498.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 63521
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • Tablot, John,

    Edition: First printing.

    London: A. C. Black, (1986). Hardcover first edition - Charming almost wordless book - large illustrations with brief captions at the bottom - about what happens when Billy misunderstands two construction workers (working on a high-rise) They say "stay there, we'll be down for a cuppa" and he thinks they said "come on up." Small oblong format. Unpaginated. ISBN: 0-713626585.

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated boards, no dust jacket.

    Book ID: 75945
    View cart More details Price: $15.00

    Edition: First edition.

    Salt Lake City: Morrison, Merrill and Company, 1915. First edition - A stock supplement to their general 1914 catalog issued in conjunction with the Curtis Companies - this trade catalog includes sash, doors, molding and sundries. Illustrated throughout. A fascinating look at the features considered standard in homes and other buildings in the early 20th century and a valuable resource for anyone restoring a home from that era. Doors and windows feature glazed lace, glazed beveled ovals or stained glass, there are examples of crown molding and bed molding and cove molding, and much more. With a branch warehouse in Pocatello, Idaho, Morrison claims to the greatest diversity of items in stock of any company west of the Mississippi.…


    Salt Lake City: Morrison, Merrill and Company, 1915. First edition - A stock supplement to their general 1914 catalog issued in conjunction with the Curtis Companies - this trade catalog includes sash, doors, molding and sundries. Illustrated throughout. A fascinating look at the features considered standard in homes and other buildings in the early 20th century and a valuable resource for anyone restoring a home from that era. Doors and windows feature glazed lace, glazed beveled ovals or stained glass, there are examples of crown molding and bed molding and cove molding, and much more. With a branch warehouse in Pocatello, Idaho, Morrison claims to the greatest diversity of items in stock of any company west of the Mississippi. Cover includes the logo M&M- the mark of reliability. 94 pp.


    Condition: Fair condition only in stiff blue wrappers ( the outer wrappers are very chipped and worn, but the contents are clean and in very good condition).

    Book ID: 72956
    View cart More details Price: $35.00