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  • THE CARTOON HISTORY OF THE MODERN WORLD: Part II: From the Bastille to Baghdad. by Gonick, Larry.
    Gonick, Larry.
    THE CARTOON HISTORY OF THE MODERN WORLD: Part II: From the Bastille to Baghdad.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Harper Collins, (2009). SIGNED first edition - SIGNED on the title page with a small drawing. "Gonick illuminates with the Enlightenment, then goes deep into the French Revolution, followed by Napoleon's conquests. He covers everything from the Opium Wars to the post-Napoleonic world, industrialisation and the working class, early 20th-century revolutionaries, World Wars I and II, the Cold War era, religious fundamentalism, and the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. After illustrating three centuries of major events and movements around the globe, Gonick finally brings readers to the eve of a new world order, with a semi-united Europe and rising powers in China and India, and in the end reflects on the ongoing challenge of a sustainable…


    New York: Harper Collins, (2009). SIGNED first edition - SIGNED on the title page with a small drawing. "Gonick illuminates with the Enlightenment, then goes deep into the French Revolution, followed by Napoleon's conquests. He covers everything from the Opium Wars to the post-Napoleonic world, industrialisation and the working class, early 20th-century revolutionaries, World Wars I and II, the Cold War era, religious fundamentalism, and the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. After illustrating three centuries of major events and movements around the globe, Gonick finally brings readers to the eve of a new world order, with a semi-united Europe and rising powers in China and India, and in the end reflects on the ongoing challenge of a sustainable future." Bibliography, index. 260 pp plus publisher's ads. Slightly oversized square format. ISBN: 9780060760083.


    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 59111
    View cart More details Price: $25.00