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  • CALIFORNIA CHILDHOOD: Recollections and Stories of the Golden State. by [Anthology, signed] Soto, Gary, editor; Maxine Hong Kingston, Genny Lim and Floyd Salas, signed.
    [Anthology, signed] Soto, Gary, editor; Maxine Hong Kingston, Genny Lim and Floyd Salas, signed.
    CALIFORNIA CHILDHOOD: Recollections and Stories of the Golden State.

    Edition: First printing in wrappers, issued simultaneously with hardcover.

    Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., 1988. SIGNED first edition - A collection of 32 prose pieces about growing up in California now long gone; the authors include Devorah Majors, James D. Houston, Genny Lim,, Maxine Hong Kingston, Gary Soto, M. F. K. Fisher, Mary Helen Ponce, Gerald Haslam, Hisaye Yamamote, Richard Dokey, Domenic Stansberry, Soto himself and many others. SIGNED by THREE authors at their selections: Maxine Hong Kingston, Genny Lim and Floyd Salas. 255 pp plus notes on the contributors. ISBN: 0-88739-0579.

    Condition: Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers (a bit of wear to the covers and a few spots to the edges of the textblock, but a clean and tight copy with no spine creases, etc.)

    Book ID: 63687
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • CALIFORNIA CHILDHOOD: Recollections and Stories of the Golden State. by [Anthology, signed] Soto, Gary, editor, signed; Maxine Hong Kingston, signed.
    [Anthology, signed] Soto, Gary, editor, signed; Maxine Hong Kingston, signed.
    CALIFORNIA CHILDHOOD: Recollections and Stories of the Golden State.

    Edition: First printing in wrappers, issued simultaneously with hardcover.

    Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., 1988. SIGNED first edition - A collection of 32 prose pieces about growing up in California now long gone; the authors include Devorah Majors, James D. Houston, Genny Lim,, Maxine Hong Kingston, Gary Soto, M. F. K. Fisher, Mary Helen Ponce, Gerald Haslam, Hisaye Yamamote, Richard Dokey, Domenic Stansberry, Soto himself and many others. SIGNED by TWO authors: INSCRIBED on the title page by Gary Soto and SIGNED by Maxine Hong Kingston at her story "The Quiet Girl". 255 pp plus notes on the contributors. ISBN: 0-88739-0579.

    Condition: Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 47329
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
    Chang, Victoria.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, not issued in hardcover.

    Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, (2022). SIGNED first edition - The fourth collection of poetry by this award winning writer, one which, like her earlier collection 'Obit', deals with grief and letting go. Mostly written as Japanese wakas, published in an uncommon format, tall and skinny, with two poems appearing on most pages. As one reviewer noted Chang is "a master at crafting collections around a central theme. . [in this, she] invokes W.S. Merwin throughout the collection, repurposing titles from his work as a catalyst for each of her poems. As she notes at the end of the collection, Chang would select a Merwin title as a writing prompt, then pair it with a randomly selected Japanese…


    Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, (2022). SIGNED first edition - The fourth collection of poetry by this award winning writer, one which, like her earlier collection 'Obit', deals with grief and letting go. Mostly written as Japanese wakas, published in an uncommon format, tall and skinny, with two poems appearing on most pages. As one reviewer noted Chang is "a master at crafting collections around a central theme. . [in this, she] invokes W.S. Merwin throughout the collection, repurposing titles from his work as a catalyst for each of her poems. As she notes at the end of the collection, Chang would select a Merwin title as a writing prompt, then pair it with a randomly selected Japanese syllabic form. . . The end result is a remarkably unique and poignant collection of short poems that trade on the economy of language to deliver powerful reflections on the intersection of life and the natural world." INSCRIBED on the title page. A Lannan Literary selection. Notes. 125 pp. ISBN: 978-1556596322.


    Condition: Fine in deep rose-colored printed wrappers.

    Book ID: 87147
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • MOTT STREET: A Chinese American Family's Story of Exclusion and Homecoming. by Chin, Ava.
    Chin, Ava.
    MOTT STREET: A Chinese American Family's Story of Exclusion and Homecoming.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Penguin, (2023). SIGNED first edition - Award-winning author's look at the history of one Chinese American family from breakbaking work on the transcontinental railroad through the racism of frontier towns to New York City where they established businesses, began families and struggled to survive under the shadow of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. SIGNED on the title page. Illustrated with photographs. Bibliography. xv, 369 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 87838
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • GUNGA DIN HIGHWAY. by Chin, Frank.
    Chin, Frank.

    Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )

    Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, (1994.). SIGNED first edition - A novel of 2 generations of the Kwan family in Hollywood, written with Chin's usual wicked humor and biting honesty. Tom Robbins described his writing as "red-hot chop suey laced with laughing powder and amphetamines." INSCRIBED on the title page and dated in the year of publication.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 50617
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • GUNGA DIN HIGHWAY. by Chin, Frank.
    Chin, Frank.

    Edition: First printing.

    Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, (1994.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A novel of 2 generations of the Kwan family in Hollywood, written with Chin's usual wicked humor and biting honesty. Tom Robbins described his writing as "red-hot chop suey laced with laughing powder and amphetamines." Chin was the first Chinese American author to have a play produced on a Broadway stage. SIGNED and dated on the title page. 404 pp. ISBN: 1-56689-0241.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 67115
    View cart More details Price: $28.50
  • GUNGA DIN HIGHWAY. by Chin, Frank.
    Chin, Frank.

    Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )

    Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, (1994.). SIGNED first edition - A novel of 2 generations of the Kwan family in Hollywood, written with Chin's usual wicked humor and biting honesty. Tom Robbins described his writing as "red-hot chop suey laced with laughing powder and amphetamines." SIGNED and dated on the title page. 418 pp

    Condition: Very near fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 51602
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • A PERSON OF INTEREST by Choi., Susan
    Choi., Susan

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Viking, (2008). First edition - The third book by this award-winning writer. From a review in the NY Times by Francine Prose: "The plot begins with the shock of the new Ñ or at least the sort of commotion we used to hear about, all too often, when the Unabomber was waging his grisly war against teachers of engineering and hapless electronics-store owners. In the first chapter, a bomb explodes, killing a popular professor of computer science, a rising star in his field who has briefly agreed to shed his light on a third-rate college. Immediately, we find ourselves in the mind of one of the murdered manÕs colleagues, a mathematics professor named Lee. . . .…


    New York: Viking, (2008). First edition - The third book by this award-winning writer. From a review in the NY Times by Francine Prose: "The plot begins with the shock of the new Ñ or at least the sort of commotion we used to hear about, all too often, when the Unabomber was waging his grisly war against teachers of engineering and hapless electronics-store owners. In the first chapter, a bomb explodes, killing a popular professor of computer science, a rising star in his field who has briefly agreed to shed his light on a third-rate college. Immediately, we find ourselves in the mind of one of the murdered manÕs colleagues, a mathematics professor named Lee. . . . Choi allows us to become intimately familiar with Lee, even as she keeps him at the precise distance he himself might choose to maintain. . . [The novel] succeeds in making us feel deeply for characters who are profoundly flawed. More important, [it is] beautifully written. ChoiÕs precise, cadenced prose alternates between plain-spokenness and lyrical dazzle." 356 pp.


    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers. An uncommon advance issue.

    Book ID: 58787
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • DRAGON NOODLE PARTY: A Story of Chinese Zodiac Animals. by Compestine, Ying Chang. Illustrated by Paula Pang.
    Compestine, Ying Chang. Illustrated by Paula Pang.
    DRAGON NOODLE PARTY: A Story of Chinese Zodiac Animals.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Holiday House, (2023) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - One by one the animals of the Chinese Zodiac bring their contributions for a party. SIGNED on the title page by the author with the words "Happy Reading." Illustrated with full color paintings by Paula Pang. Oblong format. Unpaginated. Recipe card laid in. ISBN: 978-0823455881.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 90066
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • CROUCHING TIGER. by Compestine, Ying Chang. Illustrated by Yan Nascimbene.
    Compestine, Ying Chang. Illustrated by Yan Nascimbene.

    Edition: First printing.

    Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, (2011.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A young boy gradually comes to understand - and appreciate - his Chinese grandfather, an expert in tai chi. SIGNED on the title page by the author with the words "Happy Reading." Illustrated with full color paintings by Yan Nascimbene and also with small drawings showing the various tai chi postures. Oblong format. Unpaginated. ISBN: 9780763646424.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 53223
    View cart More details Price: $35.00
  • SONGS OF WILLOW FROST. by Ford, Jamie.
    Ford, Jamie.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Ballantine, (2013) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Award-winning author's second novel, set against 1920s Depression-era Seattle. SIGNED plus a chop mark on a blank preliminary page. 322 pp plus a reader's guide. ISBN: 978-0345522023.

    Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket (remainder dot, corners slightly bumped)

    Book ID: 71594
    View cart More details Price: $26.50
  • SONGS OF WILLOW FROST. by Ford, Jamie.
    Ford, Jamie.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Ballantine, (2013) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Award-winning author's second novel, set against 1920s Depression-era Seattle. SIGNED plus a chop mark on a blank preliminary page. 322 pp plus a reader's guide. ISBN: 978-0345522023.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 66677
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • SONGS OF WILLOW FROST. by Ford, Jamie.
    Ford, Jamie.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Ballantine, (2013) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Award-winning author's second novel, set against 1920s Depression-era Seattle. SIGNED on the title page. 322 pp plus a reader's guide. ISBN: 978-0345522023.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 65469
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • THE DAY THE DRAGON DANCED. by Haugaard, Kay, signed (Carolyn Reed Barritt, illustrator.)
    Haugaard, Kay, signed (Carolyn Reed Barritt, illustrator.)

    Edition: First printing.

    Fremont, California: Shen's Books (2006.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - SIGNED by the author on the front endpaper. Charming multi-cultural children's story - a young African-American girl takes her skeptical grandmother to the Chinese New Year's Day parade - a parade climaxed by the dancing dragon - and as the dragon dancers emerge from beneath the dragon, Sugar recognizes her neighbors, including shopkeeper Mr. Chu, barber Mr. Johnson, teacher Mr. Gonzalez, and her own African-American daddy. Illustrated by Carolyn Reed Barritt with vibrant and colorful and lively paintings. Large format, unpaginated. ISBN: 9781885008305..

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 38950
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
    Jen, Gish.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. dj. Hardcover first edition - Jen's highly praised second novel, the story of Mona, the daughter of the Chang family in "Typical American." Set in an upscale New York suburb, in 1968, the "dawn of the age of ethnicity" this is about being free to forge your own identity. 304 pp. ISBN: 0-679445897.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 80001
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • GOLDEN MOUNTAIN: Beyond the American Dream. by Kai, Irene.
    Kai, Irene.
    GOLDEN MOUNTAIN: Beyond the American Dream.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, not issued in hardcover.

    Ashland, OR: Silver Light Publications, (2004). SIGNED first edition - The story of four generations of Chinese women, and of how the author, who was born in Hong Kong, found the courage to rebel against the cultural dictates handed down by her family, INSCRIBED on the title page "To --- Enjoy the journey". 368 pp. ISBN: 0-97448900X.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 67485
    View cart More details Price: $17.50
  • GOLDEN MOUNTAIN: Beyond the American Dream. by Kai, Irene.
    Kai, Irene.
    GOLDEN MOUNTAIN: Beyond the American Dream.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, not issued in hardcover.

    Ashland, OR: Silver Light Publications, (2004). SIGNED first edition - The story of four generations of Chinese women, and of how the author, who was born in Hong Kong, found the courage to rebel against the cultural dictates handed down by her family, SIGNED on the title page. 368 pp. ISBN: 0-97448900X.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 65691
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • I WANT CANDY. by Keltner, Kim Wong.
    Keltner, Kim Wong.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Avon, (2007.). SIGNED first edition - A coming of age story set in 1983 in San Francisco, the story of a young Chinese girl whose whole life seemed to revolve around the family's restaurant, Eggroll Wonderland. SIGNED on the title page. Issued as a paperback original. 278 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 44855
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • THE FIFTH BOOK OF PEACE. by Kingston, Maxine Hong.
    Kingston, Maxine Hong.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A blend of fiction and memoir, this is in part a recreation of her lost novel, a sequel to China Men titled 'The Fourth Book of Peace," which was destroyed in the fires that burned in the Oakland hills, and an account of her attempts to remake her life after the fire and her experiences working with Vietnam veterans in writing workshops. SIGNED on the title page 402 pp. ISBN: 0-679-440755.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 54224
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • CHINA MEN. by Kingston, Maxine Hong.
    Kingston, Maxine Hong.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Her second book, the story of the men in her family as they became American - her great-grandfather in Hawaii, her grandfather who worked building the railroads in the Sierras for years - and was then lynched, one uncle who was an ex-riverboat pirate, another who returned to China, and more. SIGNED on the title page with an initialed correction by Kingston on p 304. Winner of the National Book Award for non-fiction. 308 pp. ISBN: 0-394-424638.

    Condition: Very good in a good only dust jacket (light foxing to top and bottom of textblock, short tears and associated creasing to edge of dj, small discolored spot on upper edge of dj.)

    Book ID: 52026
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • THE FIFTH BOOK OF PEACE. by Kingston, Maxine Hong.
    Kingston, Maxine Hong.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. dj. Hardcover first edition - A blend of fiction and memoir, this is in part a recreation of her lost novel, a sequel to China Men titled 'The Fourth Book of Peace," which was destroyed in the fires that burned in the Oakland hills, and an account of her attempts to remake her life after the fire and her experiences working with Vietnam veterans in writing workshops. 402 pp. ISBN: 0-679-440755.

    Condition: Fine in near fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 64095
    View cart More details Price: $17.50
  • CHINA MEN. by Kingston, Maxine Hong.
    Kingston, Maxine Hong.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Her second book, the story of the men in her family as they became American - her great-grandfather in Hawaii, her grandfather who worked building the railroads in the Sierras for years - and was then lynched, one uncle who was an ex-riverboat pirate, another who returned to China, and more. SIGNED on the title page, with initialed correction on page 304. Winner of the National Book Award for non-fiction. 308 pp. ISBN: 0-394-424638.

    Condition: Near fine in a very good dust jacket. (price-clipped.)

    Book ID: 43400
    View cart More details Price: $45.00
  • GIRL IN TRANSLATION. by Kwok, Jean.
    Kwok, Jean.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Riverhead Books, (2010) dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's first novel, a coming of age story about "an immigrant girl forced to choose between two worlds and two futures. When Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrate from Hong Kong to Brooklyn squalor, she quickly begins a secret double life: exceptional schoolgirl during the day, Chinatown sweatshop worker in the evenings." Kwok herself immigrated from Hong Kong as a young girl, and worked with her family in a sweatshop. 290 pp. ISBN: 978-1594487569.

    Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.

    Book ID: 78825
    View cart More details Price: $18.50
  • MAMBO IN CHINATOWN. by Kwok, Jean.
    Kwok, Jean.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Riverhead Books, 2014. dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's second novel, about a young woman"torn between her family duties in Chinatown and her escape into the world of ballroom dancing. Twenty-two-year-old Charlie Wong grew up in New Yorks Chinatown, the older daughter of a Beijing ballerina and a noodle maker. Though an ABC (America-born Chinese), her entire world has been limited to this small area. Now grown, she lives in the same tiny apartment with her widower father and her eleven-year-old sister, and worksmiserablyas a dishwasher. But when she lands a job as a receptionist at a ballroom dance studio, Charlie gains access to a world she hardly knew existed, and everything she once took to…


    New York: Riverhead Books, 2014. dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's second novel, about a young woman"torn between her family duties in Chinatown and her escape into the world of ballroom dancing. Twenty-two-year-old Charlie Wong grew up in New Yorks Chinatown, the older daughter of a Beijing ballerina and a noodle maker. Though an ABC (America-born Chinese), her entire world has been limited to this small area. Now grown, she lives in the same tiny apartment with her widower father and her eleven-year-old sister, and worksmiserablyas a dishwasher. But when she lands a job as a receptionist at a ballroom dance studio, Charlie gains access to a world she hardly knew existed, and everything she once took to be certain turns upside down. Gradually, at the dance studio, awkward Charlies natural talents begin to emerge. " 373 pp. ISBN: 978-1594632006.


    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 75320
    View cart More details Price: $18.50
  • EARTHQUAKE. by Lee, Milly; illustrated by Yangsook Choi.
    Lee, Milly; illustrated by Yangsook Choi.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, (2001.) dj. Hardcover first edition - The story of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 as experienced by an 8 year old Chinese girl (the author's mother) and her family, including an account of how they took refuge in Golden Gate Park. Beautifully illustrated with double page paintings by Yangsook Choi. Large format, unpaginated. ISBN: 0-374-399646.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 50969
    View cart More details Price: $20.00
  • Louie, David Wong.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Putnam, (2000) dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's first novel, second book, a black comedy, but also a moving look at the immigrant experience - the deracination of the second generation, the losses of the first, and the misunderstandings that bind the two. 372 pp. ISBN: 0-399146032.

    Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket (glue remnants under dj flaps, but overall a tight straight copy)

    Book ID: 64564
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • Louie, David Wong.

    Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Putnam, (2000). First edition - The author's first novel, second book, a black comedy, but also a moving look at the immigrant experience - the deracination of the second generation, the losses of the first, and the misunderstandings that bind the two. 372 pp. ISBN: 0-399146032.

    Condition: Near fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 91053
    View cart More details Price: $18.50
  • THE YEAR SHE LEFT US. by Ma, Kathryn.
    Ma, Kathryn.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Harper Collins, (2014). SIGNED first edition - The first novel by this writer who has won awards for her short stories, a tale of "three generations of Chinese-American women in a San Francisco family who must confront their past and carve out a future".. . A book which illuminates "the bonds of family and blood, explores the promise and pain of adoption, the price of assimilation and achievement, the debt we owe to others, and what we owe ourselves." SIGNED and dated on the title page. Author's note. 323 pp. Promotional postcard laid in.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 78770
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • ASIAN AMERICAN WOMEN AND GENDER. by Ng, Franklin, editor.
    Ng, Franklin, editor.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: Garland Publishing, 1998. dj. Hardcover first edition - Volume 3 in the Series: Asians in America. Includes essays by Susie Ling on the Asian American Women's Movement in Los Angeles; Loo and Ong on Chinatown's women, Scott on bride theft among the Lao Hmong; Manalansan on Filipino gay men in New York City and more. Notes and references. xi, 256 pp. ISBN: 0-8153-26920.

    Condition: Very good in beige boards (highlighting to a few pages in one essay), no dust jacket as issued.

    Book ID: 54976
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • WATER GHOSTS (original title Locke, 1928.) by Ryan, Shawna Yang.
    Ryan, Shawna Yang.
    WATER GHOSTS (original title Locke, 1928.)

    Edition: First hardcover edition.

    New York: Penguin, 2009. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The author's first novel, originally published in trade paperback only by a small press. Set in the Chinese town of Locke, in the Sacramento delta of California in 1928. Author's notes. SIGNED on the title page. 259 pp. ISBN: 978159420270.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy, but with a remainder line.)

    Book ID: 67214
    View cart More details Price: $30.00