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  • ANATOMY OF WONDER: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, Third Edition. by Barron, Neil (Introduction by Brian Aldiss.)
    Barron, Neil (Introduction by Brian Aldiss.)
    ANATOMY OF WONDER: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, Third Edition.

    Edition: First printing of the 3rd edition, greatly expanded, revised and updated from the previous editions.

    New York: Bowker, 1987. dj. Hardcover first edition - A comprehensive and important work on science fiction: covers the emergence of sf (to 1920), between the wars (1918-1938), the early modern period (1938-1963), the modern period (1964-1986) by Brian Stapleford, children's and young adult sf, an extensive checklist on science fiction in languages other than English (numerous entries for German, French, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian, Romanian, and Yugoslav science fiction and foreign-language secondary material and a survey of Hebrew science fiction) as well as a core collection checklist, author, subject and title indexes, and much more. Introduction by Brian Aldiss. 874 pp. ISBN: 0-835-223124.

    Condition: Very near fine in glossy boards, no dj as issued.

    Book ID: 11497
    View cart More details Price: $50.00
  • ANATOMY OF WONDER: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, Fourth Edition. by Barron, Neil (Introduction by Brian Aldiss.)
    Barron, Neil (Introduction by Brian Aldiss.)
    ANATOMY OF WONDER: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, Fourth Edition.

    Edition: First printing of the 4th edition, completely revised and updated from the previous editions.

    New York: Bowker, (1995.). Hardcover first edition - A comprehensive and important work on science fiction: covers the emergence of sf (to 1920), between the wars (1918-1938), the early modern period (1938-1963), the modern period (1964-1986) by Brian Stapleford, children's and young adult sf, an extensive checklist on science fiction in languages other than English (numerous entries for German, French, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian, Romanian, and Yugoslav science fiction and foreign-language secondary material and a survey of Hebrew science fiction) as well as a core collection checklist, author, subject and title indexes, and much more. Introduction by James Gunn. xxiv, 912 pp. ISBN: 0-8352-32883.

    Condition: Fine in glossy boards, no dj as issued.

    Book ID: 52581
    View cart More details Price: $50.00