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    Huntley, Paula.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Tarcher / Putnam, (2003.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the dj: "In the spring of 1999, the world watched as more than 800,000 Kosovo Albanians poured over Kosovo's borders, bringing with them stories of torture, rape, and massacre. One year later, Paula Huntley's husband signed on with the American Bar Association to help build a modern legal system in this broken country, and she reluctantly agreed to accompany him. Deeply uncertain as to how she might be of any service in a country that had seen such violence and hatred, Huntley found a position teaching English as a Second Language to a group of Kosovo Albanians in Prishtina. A war story, a teacher's story, but most…


    New York: Tarcher / Putnam, (2003.) dj. Hardcover first edition - From the dj: "In the spring of 1999, the world watched as more than 800,000 Kosovo Albanians poured over Kosovo's borders, bringing with them stories of torture, rape, and massacre. One year later, Paula Huntley's husband signed on with the American Bar Association to help build a modern legal system in this broken country, and she reluctantly agreed to accompany him. Deeply uncertain as to how she might be of any service in a country that had seen such violence and hatred, Huntley found a position teaching English as a Second Language to a group of Kosovo Albanians in Prishtina. A war story, a teacher's story, but most of all a story of hope, [this] is the journal Huntley kept in scattered notebooks or on her laptop over the eight months that she lived and worked in Kosovo." Photograph. Appendix. 236 pp. ISBN: 1585422118.


    Condition: Very good in a fine dust jacket (prev owner's name, a few lines underlined.)

    Book ID: 45229
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • DEEP WATERS. by Nadel,Barbara.

    Edition: First printing.

    London: Headline (Hodder), (2002) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The fourth novel in a series of unusual police procedurals set in Istanbul,Turkey - a series which brings the melting pot that is Istanbul to life. In this book, the body of a young Albanian is found dumped on the banks of the Bosphorus. SIGNED on the title page. The dust jacket refers to Nadel as 'the Donna Leon of Istanbul' and that is an apt comparison. 314 pp. ISBN: 0-747269149.

    Condition: Very near fine in a fine dustjacket (toning to the pages).

    Book ID: 68593
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • A PASSION FOR KILLING. by Nadel,Barbara.

    Edition: First printing.

    London: Headline (Hodder), (2007) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The ninth novel in a series of unusual police procedurals by this award-winning writer, set in Istanbul,Turkey - and featuring Inspectors Cetin Ikmen and Mehmet Suleyman. A serial killer is stalking the streets of the city . SIGNED on the title page. Historical notes, 274 pp. ISBN: 0-755321322.

    Condition: Very near fine in a fine dustjacket (toning to the pages).

    Book ID: 72638
    View cart More details Price: $30.00