
  • Keyword = aborigines
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  • GRANTA 108, 2009. by Freeman, John, editor, signed
    Freeman, John, editor, signed
    GRANTA 108, 2009.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York & London: Granta, 2009. SIGNED first edition - A paperback magazine of new writing. SIGNED by editor John Freeman next to his name (the first issue of Granta which he edited, and he is shown as "acting editor.") Contributors include Peter Carey, Don DeLillo, Nelson Algren, George Saunders, Richard Powers, Sandra Cisneros, Wole Soyinka on Barack Obama, photographs by Camilo Jose Vergara and more. Notes on the contributors. 288 pp. We specialize in literary journals, and have many others - including many not yet catalogued and listed on line. ISBN: 9781929001385.

    Condition: Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 58669
    View cart More details Price: $24.50
  • Grenville, Kate.

    Edition: First US printing.

    New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, (2009.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Novel set in New South Wales in 1788, inspired by the notebooks of astronomer William Dawes, a story of the conflict between the English and the aborigines in Australia, and also of one young man who is forced to decide between dedication to his work, obedience to his country, and his desire to protect the young aborigine girl, Tagaran, and her people. Winner of the Christina Stead Award for fiction. Author's note. 302 pp. ISBN: 9780802119162.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 45343
    View cart More details Price: $19.50
  • LAMENT FOR THE BARKINDJI: The Vanished Tribes of the Darling River Region. by Hardy, Bobbie.
    Hardy, Bobbie.
    LAMENT FOR THE BARKINDJI: The Vanished Tribes of the Darling River Region.

    Edition: First printing.

    Adelaide: Rigby, Limited, (1976) dj. Hardcover first edition - Described as a thoroughly researched account of the "brutal annihilation" of the traditional way of life of the thousands of the Barkindji people who once lived in the Darling River region of New South Wales. They have dwindled to a mere handful, mostly part-Abroriginals. This volume is "an appalling case history of the relationship between white man and black man in Australia" between 1829 to 1940. While explorers like Charles Stuart and Edward John Eyre treated the Barkindji with kindness and received loyal friendship in return, this did nothing to stop the slide into humiliating dependence. Illustrated with photographs. Notes, bibliography, index. 246 pp. Map endpapers. ISBN: 0-72700008X.

    Condition: Very near fine in dark orange boards with white lettering on the spine in a like dustjacket - very minor shelfwear, but otherwise like new.

    Book ID: 88075
    View cart More details Price: $125.00
  • LARDIL: Keepers of the Dream: Tribal Wisdom. by McKnight, David
    McKnight, David
    LARDIL: Keepers of the Dream: Tribal Wisdom.

    Edition: First printing.

    San Francisco: Chronicle Books, (1995.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Despite its small size, this is a substantive introduction to the unique heritage and wisdom of the Aborigines of Australia. A lovely small book illustrated throughout with full-color photographs. A title in the Little Wisdom Library series. Bibliography. 61 pp. ISBN: 0-8118-08343.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 57556
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
    Morgan, Marlo.

    Edition: Trade paperback.

    Lees Summit, Mo.: M.M. Co (1991.). A this self-published book, a story of an American woman who goes on a barefoot "walkabout" through the blazing outback, with a tribe of Australian aborigines. In her introduction, the author states that some will read this as fiction, while others will understand the message; this state has a slightly different introduction, and isbn codes added. The back covers states 'What you hold in your hand is an original, destined to become a classic' and in 1994 this went on to become a bestseller when it was published by Harper Collins. Illustrated with black and white drawings by Carri Garrison. 190 pp. ISBN: 1-883473-004.

    Condition: Fine in cream and blue illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 72662
    View cart More details Price: $11.50
  • THE BONE IS POINTED. by Upfield, Arthur. Introduction by Edward Marston
    Upfield, Arthur. Introduction by Edward Marston

    Edition: First thus- a trade paperback.

    New York: Scribner, (1998.). SIGNED - Attractive re-issue of a mystery featuring Dectective Inspector Napolean Bonaparte, originally published in 1938. The setting in the Australian outback evokes the vastness of the area, and the rabbit migration, and the bone-pointing traditionsof an aborigine tribe are well-described. SIGNED by Edward Marston (Keith Miles) at his introduction for this edition. Map. 300 pp. ISBN: 0-684-850575.

    Condition: Fine.

    Book ID: 48144
    View cart More details Price: $21.50