
  • Keyword = Education and Children
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Showing 1 to 30 of 40
  • THE POSITIVE PARENT: Raising Healthy, Happy, and Successful Chilldren: Birth-Adolescence. by Alvy, Kerby T.
    Alvy, Kerby T.
    THE POSITIVE PARENT: Raising Healthy, Happy, and Successful Chilldren: Birth-Adolescence.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, (2008.). SIGNED first edition - Includes 16 highly practical guidelines to help you become a Positive Parent. Learn how to: give children warmth, acceptance, and respect; enjoy your children's development and be alert to special needs; use firm and fair leadership; avoid corporal punishment and verbal aggression; start early in preparing children for school; create a home environment that supports education; be an active partner with your child's school; manage your child's obesity and eating-related problems; teach children about substance abuse; teach children about sexuality; teach children to be financially successful and giving; manage your children's exposure and use of media and technology; maintain a healthy lifestyle; set a good example of…


    New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, (2008.). SIGNED first edition - Includes 16 highly practical guidelines to help you become a Positive Parent. Learn how to: give children warmth, acceptance, and respect; enjoy your children's development and be alert to special needs; use firm and fair leadership; avoid corporal punishment and verbal aggression; start early in preparing children for school; create a home environment that supports education; be an active partner with your child's school; manage your child's obesity and eating-related problems; teach children about substance abuse; teach children about sexuality; teach children to be financially successful and giving; manage your children's exposure and use of media and technology; maintain a healthy lifestyle; set a good example of life long learning and more. SIGNED on the title page. References, index. 251 pp. ISBN: 9780807748084.


    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 56729
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • WHO PUSHED HUMPTY DUMPTY? Dilemmas in American Education Today. by Barr, Donald (1921-2004)
    Barr, Donald (1921-2004)
    WHO PUSHED HUMPTY DUMPTY? Dilemmas in American Education Today.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Atheneum, (1971) dj. Hardcover first edition - A collection of essays by the then headmaster of the prestigious Dalton School. They span 10 years and cover "a host of subjects from campus unrest and sex education to curriculum reform. Barr provides a running commentary, explaining what he was doing when he wrote a particu lar piece and what he now thinks about the matter, and the reader is often treated to brief autobiographical snippets, such as a reminiscence of Joyce Cary. The less bitterly polemical pieces in Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty? are full of sharp observations and sensible points about schools, public and private. Barr has, for instance, long argued that all tests ought to be for…


    New York: Atheneum, (1971) dj. Hardcover first edition - A collection of essays by the then headmaster of the prestigious Dalton School. They span 10 years and cover "a host of subjects from campus unrest and sex education to curriculum reform. Barr provides a running commentary, explaining what he was doing when he wrote a particu lar piece and what he now thinks about the matter, and the reader is often treated to brief autobiographical snippets, such as a reminiscence of Joyce Cary. The less bitterly polemical pieces in Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty? are full of sharp observations and sensible points about schools, public and private. Barr has, for instance, long argued that all tests ought to be for the benefit of the students who take them, and should therefore be returned with grades and comments; he is particularly devastating on multiple choice and college board exams." (NY Times) While much of this book is sensible and worth reading other essays are simply focused on who to blame. Index. 341 pp.


    Condition: Near fine in brown boards in a very good dust jacket (toning to pages, short tear to upper edge of front cover, other minor wear to dj)

    Book ID: 90214
    View cart More details Price: $18.50
    Bigelow, Robert Payne/

    Edition: Revised Edition.

    New York: Macmillan, (1954). Hardcover - A Zoological Laboratory Manual. Illustrated with drawings. xi, 65 pp.

    Condition: Very good in dark green cloth (rubbing to lettering on spine, bookplate on front pastedown)

    Book ID: 76204
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • Briggs, LeBaron Russell.

    Edition: Early printing.

    Boston: Houghton Mifflin, (1901.). Hardcover - Essays on fathers, mothers and freshman, on college honor, and 'new-fashioned' education preceded by a poem to Harvard College. An appealing small volume. 148 pp

    Condition: Near fine in dark red cloth with gilt lettering. (previous owner's name)

    Book ID: 30669
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • NURTURESHOCK: New Thinking About Children. by Bronson, Po and Ashley Merriman.
    Bronson, Po and Ashley Merriman.
    NURTURESHOCK: New Thinking About Children.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Twelve / Hachette, (2009.). First edition - In each chapter of this book, the authors explode a myth about child raising and offer new insights into the inner world of children. Provocative, entertaining and ver worthwhile. Sources and references. 327 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 59089
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • NURTURESHOCK: New Thinking About Children. by Bronson, Po and Ashley Merriman.
    Bronson, Po and Ashley Merriman.
    NURTURESHOCK: New Thinking About Children.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Twelve / Hachette, (2009.). SIGNED first edition - In each chapter of this book, the authors explode a myth about child raising and offer new insights into the inner world of children. Provocative, entertaining and ver worthwhile. SIGNED on the title page by Po Bronson. Sources and references. 327 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 57005
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • NURTURESHOCK: New Thinking About Children. by Bronson, Po and Ashley Merriman.
    Bronson, Po and Ashley Merriman.
    NURTURESHOCK: New Thinking About Children.

    Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

    New York: Twelve / Hachette, (2009.). SIGNED first edition - In each chapter of this book, the authors explode a myth about child raising and offer new insights into the inner world of children. Provocative, entertaining and ver worthwhile. INSCRIBED on the title page and signed by Po Bronson. Sources and references. 327 pp.

    Condition: Fine in illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 56917
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • Brosnan, Micheal.
    AGAINST THE CURRENT: How One School Struggled and Succeeded with At-Risk Teens.

    Edition: First printing.

    Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1997. dj. Hardcover first edition - A study of the Urban Collaborative in Providence, Rhode Island - an independent, public middle school founded in 1989. 182 pp. ISBN: 0-435-081403.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 25348
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • FATHER FOR LIFE: A Journey of Joy, Challenge, and Change by Brott, Armin A.
    Brott, Armin A.
    FATHER FOR LIFE: A Journey of Joy, Challenge, and Change

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Abbeville Press, (2003.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A book which looks at all the phases of fatherhood from the conception of a child through the grandfather years, filled with practical tips and common sense insights. Illustrated, mostly with humorous drawings. SIGNED on the half title page. Bibliography, index. 320 pp. ISBN: 0-7892-07842.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

    Book ID: 56038
    View cart More details Price: $25.00
  • HOMEWORK: Required Reading for Teachers and Parents. by Channon, Gloria.
    Channon, Gloria.
    HOMEWORK: Required Reading for Teachers and Parents.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, (1970) dj. Hardcover first edition - After ten years of teaching in New York City's public schools, Channon felt dissatisfied with what she was achieving, so she decided to experiment with a more open classroom one year - this is an account of that year, its successes but also its failures and how much she learned. 128 pp.

    Condition: Near fine in light blue boards in a very good dust jacket with rubbing and edgewear.

    Book ID: 90217
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • Cutts, Norma E. and Moseley, Nicholas

    Edition: 2nd printing.

    NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1960.

    Condition: VG/VG.

    Book ID: 7425
    View cart More details Price: $12.00
  • Eggleson, Edward.
    THE HOOSIER SCHOOLMASTER. A Story of Backwoods Life in Indiana.

    Edition: Revised editon with a new introduction and notes by the author.

    Chicago: Thompson & Thomas. 1899. Illustrated by W.E.B. Starkweatther.

    Condition: Front hinge broken and attractive cover slightly soiled, but otherwise very good condition.

    Book ID: 1617
    View cart More details Price: $9.00
  • THE SECOND GRADE LOG by Ellis, Mary J.; Pearl K. Esko and Lillian D. Carlson.
    Ellis, Mary J.; Pearl K. Esko and Lillian D. Carlson.

    Edition: First edition.

    Minneapolis: T.S. Denisin & Company, (1957). Hardcover first edition - An interesting look at elementary school education in the 1950s with day by day schedules and suggested activities. In addition to the basics, each day includes art, music, creative activities, rest and relaxation, rhythm and physical education as well as suggestions on evaluation and planning. Illustrated with drawings by Jewell Sears. Large format. 85 pp plus a bibliography, word index, list of movies and films strips and other suggested materials.

    Condition: Near fine in pale green illustrated boards.

    Book ID: 89501
    View cart More details Price: $40.00
  • Fantini, Mario D. ad Weinstein, Gerald

    New York: Harper & Row, 1968. A classic in this area.

    Condition: VG/VG.

    Book ID: 7424
    View cart More details Price: $14.00
  • Fliegler, Louis A. editor

    New York: Prentice-hall, 1961.

    Condition: VG/VG.

    Book ID: 7415
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • Friedenberg, Edgar Z.
    COMING OF AGE IN AMERICA: Growth & Acquiescence.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Random House, 1965. Hardcover first edition - Classic study of American adolescents, studied in the context of high school.

    Condition: Very good, lacking the dj (a couple of notes on the front endpaper.)

    Book ID: 22059
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • Friedenberg, Edgar Z.
    COMING OF AGE IN AMERICA: Growth & Acquiescence.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Random House, 1965. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Classic study of American adolescents, studied in the context of high school. INSCRIBED on the title page by the author and uncommon thus,

    Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 19160
    View cart More details Price: $50.00
  • Friedenberg, Edgar Z.

    Edition: Paperback.

    New York: Dell, 1967. Nice older paperback of this classic (50c cover price.) Introduction by David Reisman.

    Condition: Very good.

    Book ID: 11476
    View cart More details Price: $10.00
    Frost, S. E., Jr.

    Edition: 3rd printing.

    Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., (1966) dj. Hardcover - A look at the four classical cultures which are considered as being at the root of Western education - including early Hebrew and Christian as well as Greek and Roman. A title in the "International Series in Education." Selected bibliography, index. xvi, 539 pp.

    Condition: Near fine in bright blue cloth with dark blue lettering in a good only dust jacket (crinkling and dampstaining to back cover of dj, not affecting the book)

    Book ID: 90226
    View cart More details Price: $23.50
  • Grollman, Earl A. , editor (introduction by Louise Bates Ames.)

    Edition: First printing.

    Boston: Beacon, 1969. dj. Hardcover first edition - A serious attempt to deal with the problems children may face in a divorce, written for both parents and professionals who work with children. Each chapter deals with a different aspect, and is written by someone in that field - among them are chapters giving the points of view of a minister, rabbi and priest, parents without partners, legal aspects, etc. Notes, references, bibliography. 253 pp.

    Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket (a rather bitter pencilled inscription on the front endpaper - from a mother to her ex-husband? - some pencilled underlining, not very extensive.)

    Book ID: 25833
    View cart More details Price: $12.50
  • Hodge, Clifton F.

    Edition: First edition.

    Boston: Ginn & Co., 1902. Hardcover first edition - A book which emphasizes the importance of teaching nature studies to children; includes both methods for teaching and content - surprisingly up to date: includes statements like "copying names is a waste of time," suggestions for intergrating language and writing skills, and from the first chapter, this comment on the environment, now, unfortunately, truer than ever - "extermination of animal species is now going on, and at a rate never before equaled." Illustrated with many photographs.

    Condition: Overall very good condition in original sturdy blue-gray cloth binding with gold lettering, black design, on front cover and spine. A few penciled notations in text, the endpapers are covered with notes, most in pencil, but a few in ink. Clipping pasted to inside of front endpaper.

    Book ID: 7079
    View cart More details Price: $18.00
  • UNDER PRESSURE: Rescuing Our Children from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting. by Honore, Carl.
    Honore, Carl.
    UNDER PRESSURE: Rescuing Our Children from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Harper Collins, (2018) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A book which blends reporting, intellectual inquiry, and true stories, to "challenge the status quo by mapping out an alternative to the culture of hyperparenting that is presently pushing children and their parents to the brink." A book all parents (and teachers and anyone else working with children) should read. INSCRIBED on the title page. Resources, notes, index. 291 pp. ISBN: 978-0061128806.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 90561
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • Ingram, Christine

    Edition: 3rd printing.

    New York: Ronald Press, 1960. dj.

    Condition: VG/G (some water damage to dj.)

    Book ID: 7420
    View cart More details Price: $12.00
  • THE BEST THINGS PARENTS DO: Ideas & Insights from Real-World Parents. by Kohl, Susan Isaacs.
    Kohl, Susan Isaacs.
    THE BEST THINGS PARENTS DO: Ideas & Insights from Real-World Parents.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    York Beach, ME: Conari Press, (2004). SIGNED first edition - The basic premise of this book is that parents are doing a better job than they think they are. "Each chapter focuses on one topic and contains stories and vignettes from Kohl's personal experience, relevant statistics and psychological truths, strategies to use, and things to think about or actions to take." Foreword by M. J. Ryan. SIGNED on the title page by the author. Suggested reading, index. vii, 164 pp. ISBN: 1-573249025.

    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 87008
    View cart More details Price: $21.50
  • Marshall, Helen E.
    THE ELEVENTH DECADE: Illinois State University, 1957-1967

    Edition: First printing.

    Normal: Illinois State University, 1967. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Published by the author in her last year of teaching history - 32 of those years were at Illinois State University - and INSCRIBED by her on the title page to one of her students "a member of my last class in history." 118 pages, index, photographs.

    Condition: Very good in red cloth with gold gold lettering and illustration on front cover, no dust jacket as issued.

    Book ID: 8961
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • Martin, Russell.
    OUT OF SILENCE. A Journey into Language.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: Henry Holt, 1994. dj. Hardcover first edition - Fascinating, and highly praised, story of a little boy trapped in silence and struggling to regain language. Dustjacket praise from Richard Selzer and Ivan Doig. ISBN: 0-8050-19987.

    Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 4761
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • Martin, Russell.
    OUT OF SILENCE. A Journey into Language.

    Edition: First edition.

    New York: Henry Holt, 1994. dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Fascinating, and highly praised, story of a little boy trapped in silence and struggling to regain language. Dustjacket praise from Richard Selzer and Ivan Doig. ISBN: 0-8050-19987.

    Condition: SIGNED by the author on the half title page. Fine in fine dust jacket.

    Book ID: 29017
    View cart More details Price: $30.00
  • THE KINDNESS OF CHILDREN. by Paley, Vivian Gussin.
    Paley, Vivian Gussin.

    Edition: 3rd printing.

    Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, (1999) dj. Hardcover - "Visiting a London nursery school, Vivian Paley observes the schoolchildren's reception of another visitor, a handicapped boy named Teddy, who is strapped into a wheelchair, wearing a helmet, and barely able to speak. A predicament arises, and the children's response--simple and immediate--offers Paley the purest evidence of kindness she has ever seen. . . the book quietly brings together the moral life of the very young and the very old. Paley lets her listeners and storytellers take us down unexpected paths, where the meeting of story and real life make us wonder: Are children wiser about the nature of kindness than we think they are?" 139 pp. ISBN: 0-674503589.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 66805
    View cart More details Price: $15.00
  • TEENAGERS: When to Worry and What to Do. by Powell, Douglas H.
    Powell, Douglas H.
    TEENAGERS: When to Worry and What to Do.

    Edition: First printing.

    Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1986. dj. Hardcover first edition - A useful resource, both optimistic and pragmatic, in which Powell, a psychologist at Harvard University Health Services, "constructs a framework 'zones of concern' of four descriptive categories of teenage behavior. Case studies presented are those representative of both temporary developmental difficulties, which fall within the range of 'normal,' and those that presage deep psychic disturbance. Powell advises parents to rely on common sense, to "be there" for their children (even when their offspring are beyond the teens)" (Publisher's Weekly). Notes, index. xi, 319 pp. ISBN: 0-385193254.

    Condition: Mear fine in a good dust jacket (edgewear to dj).

    Book ID: 76761
    View cart More details Price: $16.50
  • THE OVERACHIEVERS: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids. by Robbins, Alexandra.
    Robbins, Alexandra.
    THE OVERACHIEVERS: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids.

    Edition: First printing.

    New York: Hyperion, (2006.) dj. Hardcover first edition - "With record numbers of students competing fiercely to get into college, schools are no longer primarily places of learning. ... In this increasingly stressful environment, kids aren't defined by their character or hunger for knowledge, but by often arbitrary scores and statistics. ...Robbins tackles hard-hitting issues such as the student and teacher cheating epidemic, over-testing, sports rage, the black market for study drugs, and a college admissions process so cutthroat that some students are driven to depression and suicide because of a B." Endnotes. 435 pp. ISBN: 1401302017.

    Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

    Book ID: 40875
    View cart More details Price: $20.00