- Keyword = Economics and Politics
POLITICAL SYSTEMS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF POWER (Assocation of Social Anthropologists Mongraphs, No. 2).
Edition: First printing.
Condition: Fine in very good dust jacket (some general creasing and wear to the dj.)
Book ID: 39921More details Price: $25.00 -
THE UNCERTAIN GIANT: 1921-1941, American Foreign Policy Between the Wars.
Edition: Trade paperback.
New York: Collier, 1971.
Condition: Underlining and notations in the text, some wear to covers, otherwise good.
Book ID: 12300More details Price: $10.00 -
RED HIGHWAYS: A Liberal's Journey Into the Heartland.
Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
Book ID: 67290More details Price: $25.00 -
Edition: Book club edition.
Condition: Very near fine in a fine dustjacket.
Book ID: 31350More details Price: $27.50 -
Edition: 3rd printing.
Condition: Very near fine in a fine dustjacket.
Book ID: 54052More details Price: $35.00 -
THE MIGHTY AND THE ALMIGHTY: Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs.
Edition: First printing.
New York: Harper Collins, (2006) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Second book by the Secretary of State for 8 years under President Clinton - the first woman to serve in that position, a thoughtful look at the role of religion in shaping America's approach to the world. Introduction by William J. Clinton. INSCRIBED on the half title page and dated in the year of publication, Notes, index. 339 pp. ISBN: 978-0060892579.
Condition: Very near fine in a very good dustjacket (tear to dj at top of spine)
Book ID: 87492More details Price: $25.00 -
Edition: Early printing.
New York: Henry Holt, (1926, c 1925.). Hardcover - A comprehensive look at the problems of city government, the different forms, budgets, the growth of cities in the US and more. A classic on the topic. A title in the American Political Science Series under the general editorship of Edward S. Corwin. Index. 657 pp
Condition: Near fine in dark green cloth with gilt lettering. (prev owner's name.)
Book ID: 30431More details Price: $25.00 -
Edition: Later printing.
New York: Harper & Row, (c 1956) dj. Hardcover - An inside picture of labor unions today from 1933 to 1956 with an emphasis on the period after the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947. Includes chapters on collective bargaining, racketeering, communists in unions and more. References, suggested reading, index. xii, 465 pp.
Condition: Very good in very good dust jacket (penciled marginal notations and underlining)
Book ID: 78447More details Price: $15.00 -
Edition: First printing.
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, (1969) dj. Hardcover first edition - "In Defense of Income and of Property and of Their Enjoyment By All of the People." A book originally written in 1920 by this political scientist and philosopher, but not published at the time because it was considered too controversial. It analyses the political and economic situation at the end of World War I - it looks at such concepts as exploitation and waste, property and fictious property, production and appropriation, profit and profiteering, and suggests that the middle classes should begin a mass movement against the big corporate power structures. Edited and with an introduction by Sydney Ratner. Frontispiece portrait. Notes at the end of each chapter, index. xxv, 290 pp.
Condition: Very near fine gray cloth with a dark blue title panel on the spine in a very good dustjacket with overall age toning.
Book ID: 87248More details Price: $27.50 -
Edition: First printing.
Los Angeles: Center for International and Strategic Affairs, University of California, 1986. First edition - One of several working papers produced by the CISA which was established in 1975 to further a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the study of international security and arms control. Large format. Notes. 15 pp. ISBN: 0-86682071x.
Condition: Fine in stapled tan printed wrappers.
Book ID: 90446More details Price: $15.00 -
TOMORROW'S TRADE: Problems of Our Foreign Commerce .
Edition: First or early printing.
New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1945. dj. Hardcover first edition - Number 5 in the Series of Guide Lines to America's Future as Reported to the Twentieth Century Fund. x, 156 pp.
Condition: Good in a good dust jacket - looks good, but dj is stuck to boards near the spine.
Book ID: 76342More details Price: $12.50 -
THE NEXT DEAL: The Future of Public Life in the Information Age.
Edition: First edition
New York: Basic Books , (2000) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A look at how our governing system has lagged behind changes in personal life and businesses, and suggestions on how to fix it. INSCRIBED on the half title page with the words "Keep the faith!," Laid in are some materials related to his run for the California State Assembly (an election he lost) Recommended reading, index. xvi, 268 pp. ISBN: 0-465-009719.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.
Book ID: 59801More details Price: $15.00 -
Edition: First edition.
Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket (toning to the pages, offsetting to the endpapers).
Book ID: 72766More details Price: $30.00 -
BROKEN GOVERNMENT: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches.
Edition: First printing.
New York: The Viking Press, (2007.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - SIGNED on the title page. The concluding volume of a trilogy of books on current political events in the United States, in which the the former White House legal counsel for President Nixon examines the effects of three decades of Repulican rule - and especially the presidency of George W. Bush, one noted for its secrecy, lack of accountability and the ascendency of the self-interests of the members of the administration and their supporters. This book focuses on the process of government, how these processes have been ignored and how they can be repaired. Extensive notes, index. 332 pp. ISBN: 9780670018208.
Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)
Book ID: 39037More details Price: $40.00 -
SEX, SCIENCE, AND STEM CELLS: Inside the Right Wing Assault on Reason.
Edition: First printing.
Guildford, CT: The Lyons Press, (2008.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - One of "Congress's leading advocates of stem cell research presents a blistering indictment of the politicization of science--and sex--by the Bush administrastion, the Republican leadership, and the religious right. Addressing not only stem cell research but also birth control, HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, abortion, and sex education, Colorado Congresswoman Diane DeGette takes the Bush White House and its fundamentalist allies to taks for subverting any real discussion of human sexuality and reproduction." SIGNED by Degette on the half title page. Index. 248 pp. ISBN: 9781599214313.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)
Book ID: 42006More details Price: $30.00 -
THE EMERGING NUCLEAR SUPPLIERS: Some Guidelines for Policy, CISA Working Paper No. 61.
Edition: First printing.
Los Angeles: Center for International and Strategic Affairs, University of California, 1988. First edition - One of several working papers produced by the CISA which was established in 1975 to further a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the study of international security and arms control. Large format. 24 pp plus a 2 pp list of the other papers. ISBN: 0-866820782.
Condition: Fine in stapled dark red printed wrappers.
Book ID: 90444More details Price: $15.00 -
DISCOURSES ON THE PUBLICK REVENUES, and on the Trade of England. Which more immediately Treat of the Foreign Traffick of this Kingdom... Part II. To which is added, The late Essay on the East-India Trade. By the same Hand.
Edition: First edition.
Condition: Good overall in original leather boards. Front board is detached and the leather binding is quite scuffed, but the contents are near fine - and this is a work deserving of restoration.
Book ID: 52891More details Price: $900.00 -
Edition: First printing.
New York: Poseidon Press, (1989.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A Political Journey. In 1988, Erickson follows the presidential campaign across the country by train and car in 1988, a trip in which he is joined by "a deathless wanderer named Sally Hemings, who at the age of fifteen in Paris in 1789 chose to remain the slave of Thomas Jefferson, and thus changed the meaning and consequence of America forever." SIGNED on the title page. 192 pp. ISBN: 0-671-671340.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.
Book ID: 66068More details Price: $50.00 -
Edition: Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format. )
New York: Poseidon Press, (1989.). First edition - A Political Journey. In 1988, Erickson follows the presidential campaign across the country by train and car in 1988, a trip in which he is joined by "a deathless wanderer named Sally Hemings, who at the age of fifteen in Paris in 1789 chose to remain the slave of Thomas Jefferson, and thus changed the meaning and consequence of America forever." 192 pp.
Condition: Very good in printed light blue wrappers. (creasing to lower corner, some toning to the pages) A rather uncommon advance issue.
Book ID: 60975More details Price: $20.00 -
THE INFILTRATORS: The European Business Invasion of America.
Edition: First printing.
New York: Dutton, (1972) dj. Hardcover first edition - A book which "reveals for the first time in any detail the facts about burgeoning European direct investment in the United States." Foreword by Commander Edward Whitehead. Index. xvii, 242 pp. ISBN: 0-525133054.
Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket.
Book ID: 78756More details Price: $18.50 -
Edition: First printing.
New York: McGraw-Hill, (1954.) dj. Hardcover first edition - A comprehensive study, which looks at all the oil producing areas of the world - Mexico, Venezuala, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and more, policies such as the 50-50 profit sharing, etc. Includes an extensive statistical appendix. Photographs, map endpapers, index. 400 pp
Condition: Fine in red cloth, no dust jacket.
Book ID: 30425More details Price: $25.00 -
Edition: Later printing.
New York & London: Longmans, Green and Co., (1947, c 1938). Hardcover - A survey of economic thought and practice from ancient Egypt on up through the time this was written, with most attention given to the rise of capitalist and then socialist economic theory - Marxian and post-Marxian. Discussion questions, index. 299 pp.
Condition: Very good in dark blue cloth with gilt lettering on the spine - usual toning to the pages, some rubbing to the lettering, no dust jacket.
Book ID: 76650More details Price: $15.00 -
WAR LORD! GOOD-BYE! (includes a CD of songs)
Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, not issued in hardcover.
Sarasota, Florida: Ventura Press, (2004.). First edition - A protest against the increasing militarization of the United States, including specifically the war in Iraq and the bloating of the military budget, and a plea for the average citizen to get involved. Includes a CD of satirical songs. 66 pp. ISBN: 0-966026225.
Condition: Near fine in stapled wrappers (some website urls written on the title page.)
Book ID: 33758More details Price: $20.00 -
WAY OUT THERE IN THE BLUE: Reagan, Star Wars, and the End of the Cold War.
Edition: First printing.
New York: Simon & Schuster, (2000.) dj. Hardcover first edition - Another book by the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Fire in the Lake." Author uses Star Wars to show a new perspective on Ronald Reagan both as a president and as a man. 592 pp. with glossary, notes, bibliography, and index. ISBN: 0-684-844168.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (as new.)
Book ID: 26565More details Price: $18.00 -
THE NEW URBAN CRISIS: How Our Cities Are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class-and What We Can Do About It.
Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )
New York: Basic Books (HarperCollins), (2017). First edition - A book which "demonstrates how the same forces that power the growth of the world's superstar cities also generate their vexing challenges: gentrification, unaffordability, segregation, and inequality. Meanwhile, many more cities still stagnate, and middle-class neighborhoods everywhere are disappearing. . . [this] offers a compelling diagnosis of our economic ills and a bold prescription for more inclusive cities capable of ensuring growth and prosperity for all." Illustrated with charts and maps. Notes. xx, 294 pp.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
Book ID: 90456More details Price: $17.50 -
Edition: 2nd printing.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1986. dj. Hardcover first edition - Contains essays chosen from entries submitted to Peace 2010. Contributors include 40 men and women including lawyers, doctors, professors, and conflict research specialists. Foreword by Kurt Waldheim. ISBN: 0-262-061007.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.
Book ID: 26163More details Price: $12.50 -
WE THE PURPLE: Faith, Politics, and the Independent Voter.
Edition: First printing.
Carol Stream, Illinois. Tyndale House Publishers, 2008. SIGNED hardcover first edition - A study of independent voters which focuses on why they are neither Democratic Blue of Republican Red, and how they hope to bring about reform by avoiding partisan politics. SIGNED on the title page. Notes, glossary, and a list of websites of interest. 214 pp. ISBN: 1414317174.
Condition: Fine (a new copy) in printed purple cloth, with a wraparound band on the rear cover.
Book ID: 55602More details Price: $25.00 -
MONEY: Whence It Came, Where It Went.
Edition: First printing.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975. dj. Hardcover first edition - A book by this noted economist which is both entertaining and instructive. In it Galbraith comments that "Money is equally important to those who have it and those who don't. Both, accordingly have a concern for understanding it. Both should proceed in the full confidence that they can." Steve Pressman described it as "the best introduction to the subject available. It is a classic in the history of money and finance." Index. 324 pp. ISBN: 0-395198437.
Condition: Near fine in very good dust jacket (bookplate on front pastedown mostly hidden by dj flap, short tear and crease to bottom edge of front cover) - overall a tight and clean copy. Original price of $10.00 still present.
Book ID: 86157More details Price: $35.00 -
Edition: First printing.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, (1970) dj. Hardcover first edition - A collection of original essays by members of the Department of Economics at Indiana University, on topics ranging from monetary policy to labor unions, Marxism, underdevopment and more. Notes at the end of each essay. xi, 270 pp. ISBN: 0-253319609.
Condition: Fine in brown cloth with copper lettering on the spine in a very good dust jacket (price-clipped,some rubbing to the dj).
Book ID: 70002More details Price: $17.50 -
Edition: Later printing.
New York: Hyperion, (2002) dj. SIGNED hardcover - Book by the mayor of New York City at the time of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. SIGNED on the title page. Index. 407 pp. ISBN: 0-7868-68414.
Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)
Book ID: 64907More details Price: $25.00