72 hour hold

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  • THE 5150 POEMS. by McPherson, Sandra.
    McPherson, Sandra.
    THE 5150 POEMS.

    Edition: First printing, a trade paperback original.

    La Fayette, New York: Nine Mile Books, (2022). SIGNED first edition - A book about mental breakdown and recovery - the title refers to a section of the California code which authorizes involuntary hospitalization for those considered a danger to themselves or others. In her introduction McPherson writes "One doctor thought the slide commenced with the death of my good father. How can one be sure? . . My homes physical possessions abandoned me - they had been a library of researchable answers. Prescriptions replaced each other: a decent doctor replaced by an indifferent one. At our first meeting I set eleven books on her desk as introduction. 'You wrote those,' she said contemptuously. It hurt from there on…


    La Fayette, New York: Nine Mile Books, (2022). SIGNED first edition - A book about mental breakdown and recovery - the title refers to a section of the California code which authorizes involuntary hospitalization for those considered a danger to themselves or others. In her introduction McPherson writes "One doctor thought the slide commenced with the death of my good father. How can one be sure? . . My homes physical possessions abandoned me - they had been a library of researchable answers. Prescriptions replaced each other: a decent doctor replaced by an indifferent one. At our first meeting I set eleven books on her desk as introduction. 'You wrote those,' she said contemptuously. It hurt from there on down. One afternoon, 'We have a bed,' the stranger on the phone said. I was in it, without choice, by evening. I had just lost a museum's worth of art, and decades of loved books. I didn't exist anymore - I was no one who could describe her life - what life?" But despite all this, she did heal enough to write these poems. INSCRIBED on the title page and dated in Davis, 2022. Foreword by Stephen Kuusisto. 70 pp. Cover art by Sharon Bronzan,. ISBN: 978-1737788034.


    Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.

    Book ID: 88060
    View cart More details Price: $25.00