HEROIC MEASURES. by Ciment, Jill.


Edition: First printing.

New York: Pantheon, (2009) dj. Hardcover first edition - The author's fourth novel set in New York, a city on edge after 9/11. "In shifting points of view Alexs, Ruths, and the little dogs man, woman, and one small tenacious beast try to make sense of the cacophony of rumors, opinions, and innuendos coming from news anchors, cable TV pundits, pollsters, bomb experts, hostages, witnesses, real estate agents, house hunters, bargain seekers, howling dogs, veterinarians, nurses, and cab drivers." Review copy with publisher' s material laid in. 193 pp. ISBN: 978-0375425226.

Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

Book ID: 90879
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