SCI FI: A Yellowthread Street Mystery. by Marshall, William.

SCI FI: A Yellowthread Street Mystery. by Marshall, William. < >

SCI FI: A Yellowthread Street Mystery.

Edition: First US printing.

New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, (1981) dj. Hardcover first edition - Crime novel featuring Detective Chief Inspector Harry Feiffer and his crew at Yellowthread Street Station during the annual All-Asia Science Fiction and Horror Movie festival. "Hong Kong was used to strange sights, but none as extraordinary as these. Helium-filled Death Stars and the launch of the Thing From Beneath The Sea, overflowing jails and chaos in the streets, $1 million cash displayed temptingly in a hotel lobby." 202 pp. ISBN: 0-03047486.

Condition: Very near fine in a fine dustjacket. (faint bookstore stamp on top edge of textblock)

Book ID: 90404
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