HYPERCAPITALISM: The Modern Economy, Its Values, and How to Change Them.
Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )
New York: The New Press, (2018). SIGNED first edition - Issued as a paperback original, this is "an explosive graphic takedown of capitalism". Best-selling cartoonist Larry Gonick teams up with psychologist and scholar Tim Kasser to "create an accessible and pointed cartoon guide to how global, privatizing, market-worshiping hypercapitalism threatens human well-being, social justice, and the planet. But they dont stop at an analysis of how the economic system got out of whack - they also point the way to a healthier future.. . their pointed and profound cartoon narratives provide a deep exploration of the global economy and the movements seeking to change it, all rendered in clear, graphic - and sometimes hilariousterms." INSCRIBED on the title page by Larry Gonick with the words "To ... Best wishes in the universe!" and a small drawing of a dinosaur. References, index. Slightly oversized format. 213 pp.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.