MIMBRES DURING THE TWELFTH CENTURY: Abandonment, Continuity, and Reorganization
Edition: First printing.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, (1999) dj. Hardcover first edition - The first book-length contribution on the topic of abandonment and resettlement for the Classic Mimbres period and also addresses current debates on the role of Casas Grandes in these changes. "During the mid twelfth century, villages that had been occupied by the Mimbres people in what is now southwestern New Mexico were depopulated and new settlements were formed. While most scholars view abandonment in terms of failed settlements, Margaret Nelson shows that, for the Mimbres, abandonment of individual communities did not necessarily imply abandonment of regions. She reconstructs a process of shifting residence as people spent more time in field camps and gradually transformed them into small hamlets while continuing to farm their old fields." Illustrated with charts and drawings. References, index. xiii, 236 pp. ISBN: 0-816518688.
Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)